01| The Genesis

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WATER, Shuî, or H2O, the simplest thing on Earth, yet the first and non negotiable requirement for life, isn't it

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WATER, Shuî, or H2O, the simplest thing on Earth, yet the first and non negotiable requirement for life, isn't it.

It is everywhere, even in places you and I can't fathom, like a dry seed on a desert's land or the air going in the breathing bags of your body.
We have it in ample amounts on Earth, more than we need, ever wondered why??
The answer is very basic, yet very complex.

Everything we see and everything we are, came from it. Once possessing the potency to give birth, now having lost that magic, and that potency being transferred to every single organism inhabiting it.

From Eubacteria to higher beings, they may be so different but have one thing in common, always, they reproduce, they exist. But this power didn't come that easy, it was a sacrifice of our ancestors, our Predecessors.

When the universe was formed 20 billions years ago, all the celestial bodies came in existence.
The universe was conscious and always has been, and so were the the planets in it's matrix.

It was all destined to be a cirlce, a ring or a wheel that would keep rotating as long as it is provided with the fuel of time. Whatever born shall die and be born again.

So were the case with the planets, why do you think there are black holes? And the suicide bags called lysomsomes exist in every cell of your body. Every thing that exist in this world from the smallest to the giantest imitates each other, for it all was designed from the same nothingness and..... by the same architect- the with the most intricate and non forgeable designs.

From the centuries, we have known or you can say had the idea that
there was life before and if it all went well, it shall be after us. We are just a page in this manual of time, a great encyclopaedia isn't it.
But there was a time, the time of the quirky chapters of this book of time, The Pre Human Era.

To think we are the best thing to ever set foot on this earth would a mockery of beings that existed before us, who were so grand that we would be mere dust in front of them.

Getting back to water the birthplace of all life, of all creatures..... magic and non magic.
This is a tale of early Earth, the pre human era when magic was still present and ran in the veins of each living being inhabiting it, like water runs in our veins today. Life wasn't possible in its absence, think about it how would you explain all this. But that magic was not inherited, it was borrowed, lended to mother nature by someone whose origin still can't be explained till present day.

Myths have it, they tell the beginning of earth. Earh was named terra then, for she was the most beautiful, absolute planet in the Milky way. The perfection of creation, until one day she decided to create life for herself to walk in its land to play in its lap.
She was lonely and had been since billions of years.
She cried to the Most Powerful to give her life, to give her children, for she had no use of her perfection when it had no one to benefit it from. The selfishness of it all just felt wrong to her. Most powerful the one without name, whose origin is still untraceable and shall always be for no mind is dextrous enough and no eyes are sharp enough to figure him out. People worship him as god regarding him as one like them but he is the consiusness of the entire universe, like the universe is the body and he is the mind mark my words the mind not the brain for you can touch the brain but not the mind.

Her tears softened his heart and he gave her power to create, to flourish its lands and waters with a mini version of life. She used her half of power to create water for she needed a womb, a womb big enough to give her all the life she wants. The water still has traces of her magic today, but have lost the power of genesis. When her face went joyous with happiness for lonliness agrees with no one, doesn't how almighty that someone is. But soon her joy came to a pause,
as there was one misfortune, one great curse. The universe changes it rules for no one, the rule what was born shall remain the same was tampered here. She was creating new life even though she was feeding her flesh soil and her blood the consiusness or mind was against the law and one settlement was brought.

For She created life from void, from nothing, so whatever life she would create would also create its destroyer.
It all was a big zero, and she brought the scale of universe to positive one and soon the negative one would come in existence and it will all be zero again. The collision that would be inevitable, no amount of effort will be great enough to stop it, fornit it was what was written in fates by the hand of Most Powerful?? I am still not sure of that. Who writes the fate is still unknown for he gave no one the consciousness great enough to understand, he wanted to be undiscovered and that shall be, for he is the force moving the hands of times the power behind this great clock.
And destined by those hands, her children and their destroyer would clash one day and become nothing, restoring the balance of the nature of the universe again.

The barren soil enriching itself with the blood of its children and their siblings dancing the dance of life, but one thing was clear everything on this earth shall be it's own, nothing comes and nothing leaves. The mother who keeps giving birth and killing them over and over again though it stabs her heart for it was her destiny, the curse bestowed on her for the price she paid for bringing new life on earth. The debt of terra we have upon us.
Every race on Earth resided in peace and harmony, fighting sea monster together until one day, one dark day, the three kingdoms divided - the elves, the humans and the mermaids.
It was all dawned upon the Necromancers -the most powerful beings, to take sides.
One thing was clear, whoever's side they took would have the advantage...... the advantage to rule the planet, to be it's master.

The great war, in which the weakest stood face to face with the strongest. His valient eyes looked deep into the ones infront, with sweat being evaporated off his face by the wind caused due to movement of his corrival.
The collision which decided the fate of Terra and how its land became fertile.
Universe is conscious it knows, and it will always know. So speak your words wisely you never know when might it will pay attention to you and whatever you wish good or bad, pure or evil shall be granted.
For time yet had to decide the gift granted to the nature how it was going to turn out.

For time yet had to decide the gift granted to the nature how it was going to turn out

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