02| The Elves

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Elves, also known as the first born, the eldest sibling on the hierarchy of life

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Elves, also known as the first born, the eldest sibling on the hierarchy of life. The first to have the opportunity to mould the Terra in a shape his mind desired and so he did.

The wheel of creation spun.......

First to be created by nature, with skin soft like silk when touched, yet harder than a rock when pierced.
Slanting, colorful eyes, for they had all the colors possible to be visible by the post humans were predominantly blue and green as the dominant colors on Terra, enabling them to see things to a great distance.
As if born to survive, born to dominate, with a life span of a a few thousand years(12 thousand years) they decorated the waters by building castles, fortress, and beautiful sculptures, artists of the earth, as they were.

Though they lived long, their biotic potential (capacity to reproduce) was very slow, with an Elfian woman giving birth once in a thousand years and taking another thousands of years to make him/her a sibling. Each individual was highly valued and was put through extreme conditions from childhood so as to make them able enough to survive even the worst circumstances. (that's why their numbers were limited but it was almost impossible enough to kill them for they had higher intelligence they sharped each and every day.)

Being very beautiful and magnificent in their overall appearance, tall as they were, with average heights in the range of 6'5 for men and 6'2 for women, long hair usually in shades of red, white or blonde and pointed, sharp ears. Being soft spoken, both male and female had high pitched voices, and overall gentle in their approach, they mated for life, performing a blood binding ceremony called 'Aima Vinculum' to promise oneself to the other for life(like a marriage but the ceremony held deeper secrets which hadn't been revealed to anyone other than elves themselves), 'a bond written in the stars', they used to call it in their tongue.
Their promises, honestly and loyalty to one another to their species knew no bounds.

It was said that an elf carried its magic in its ears and hair. Afraid to lose any, they braided their hair in beautiful patterns when they were inhabitants of the waters for the magic they had was already very diffused and they couldn't afford to lose any. The Elfian mothers were very protective of their children and were more agressive than their male counterparts. For the babies being born every thousand years were precious than any wealth or gem stones and the sea possessed a threat to them. After their birth, the sea monsters named by them as Scylla, Charybis, Lernean, Hydra came in existence but don't be bewildered, mother nature never asked for them, they weren't a product of Genesis neither was the vegetation and the animals of that time, as they lacked self consciousness, they were co-creation and she had to make something to get them moving.
Without consciousness, they were just converted form of earthly mud and dust, like food and toys to support Elves, (But the monsters were created to keep a check on the population as Terra was afraid to accelerate..... the curse.)

They started to move on land more, frequently coming on land to feed on tahara fruits, a diet proved to be highly nutritious for them, as if nature meant for them to adapt on lands (also it helped in saving themselves from the threat that sea possessed.)

With time they developed great fighting techniques and were particularly dexterous in archery. Their cranial capacity grew with each coming generation and natural birth became more complicated, when the precious resource of life was under fire the Elf King decided to make a group of women specialised in nurturing and made sure they possessed magic to ease the partition. For the Elfian King's own mother Queen Manika died giving birth to his sibling. Sumara The King was regarded as the saviour of elves for he was hell bent on improvement and saferty of his kind, whatever be the price, he was the king on whom every one can rely on. So he formed groups of magically gifted elvian women known at the time as Alteix and Nutrix.
(The Alteix- a group of 10 to 15 women possessing magic, their sole job was to protect and raise the children of King and Queen.
The Nutrix- they raised the other magical born, their magic was fainter than Alteix but still were quite powerful.)

Known for his temper and quick wit, he met his better half when still a young boy but no less impressive than he was, won her heart and set new bars for fellow elves.
But Sumara wasn't always the first choice as the king, the elves wanted a segregation of the society based on the magical ability with the high borns and low borns but a group of elves known as the 'Dunkel's fighters' evolted with fights happening in the great valley, the led to the rise of the New Elfian King.

The token of magic for an elf was it's hair, (That's why you would never see an elf cut it's hair.) They braid it, decorate it and protect it. The gifts of nature to them were strength, speed, combat ability and magic limited to a few born with brown hair. It was said that darker an elve's hair, more powerful is its magic. They initially lived under water and had gill slits but through time they migrated on land and built colonies in forests and made beautiful houses on the Tahara trees, which also came to be known as the Elfian trees. (We can still find the traces of Elfian existence in the
Modern day, Tahara trees exist in form of Giant Seqouias but they are much shorter compared to their ancestors.)
It was tall and had big, thick branches to support elves. They usually maintained peace and harmony with nature and made a promise to never eat animals. They had a diet of fruits and leaves and of course the Tahara's root. It was said that it made an elf more powerful than it already was. They lived alone on the Earth for 23 million years before something else arose from the underwaters.

 They lived alone on the Earth for 23 million years before something else arose from the underwaters

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