"Christ, Amenadiel. What are you doing here?" As Charlie turned around and looked at him. The Mighty Amenadiel stood before him like the angel he was said to be. As an Angel himself, Amenadiel was the mightiest of our kind aside for the pompous Archangels. So treading lightly was a good idea. For now. "Look, Camael. I'm not here for you. I sensed a disturbance of some kind from this area so I came to see what was wrong." As he turned his head over to Marcus, who was looking in a state if fear and awe. He was watching Angels talking as if it were a everyday occurence. "Hold on, so what the hell is going on and why is it that this night is getting worse. And second, just who in the fuck are you?" As the man stood before him. Obviously upset himself, he said "I am Amenadiel. And I was just looking for" as he began to look at Marcus, squinting as if what he was doing was normal. "He is new to this whole world as he just transformed on to a Guardian. So he needs and explanation of what's going on." As what Charlie or rather Camael was about say would break any humans mind. He breathed in and asked "This knowledge is a lot to take in. Are you sure he needs to know at this moment,Camael?" As he sat down right next to me, and removed the chains from my wrist. They were raw from all the straining he did but the lesions on his skin were gone in the next second he stopped rubbing his wrist. "Yes he does otherwise he wont be prepared for what's coming." As he lifted the man from the floor and carted him off into another room. "You ready?" Amenadiel looked at me and asked. Well if not now then when. "Yeah im ready." As he visibly sighed and began to explain. "Well, you are a Guardian, Marcus. A celestial protector of humans. They were created from Angel's themselves. Made to defend the world from threats like demons or vampires. And when one is given their powers, any angel in the vicinity will feel that. Are you with me so far?" As he looked at Marcus, whose mind was blown from what he just learned but it wasn't the worst thing as seen from the holes In the stair case and the dead body on the floor, it could be worse. "Wait, there are others like me out there?" "Yes and like me they felt you ascend but they will know who you are from sight alone while other Angel's would have to sense you from being close to you." "Ok so what you are saying is that I am an angel who protects earth but then what are the real Angel's doing?" As he began to stand up, his body adjusting to having not stood in hours and he felt amazing like a new person or someone who took drugs for the first time. "Well, we protecting earth too but some are adjusting to the idea of the archangels being casted to earth." "Wait, so the most powerful Angel's are just walking around on earth." "Yes, they are supposed to be protecting it but thay are to busy fighting amongst themselves like idiots. There are 12 archangels. The most powerful being Michael, Lucifer gabriel ,raphael and uriel. They are the ones most associated with the name archangel. But there others and any angel can rise in rank but somehow none are as powerful as them." "And let me guess that Michael and Lucifer are at war or some shit like that?" "No but he and my brother do hate each other. But it is Michael and gabriel who hate each other." "Wait" as he began to feel a chill spike all over his body. Like he was encased in ice. But why? Until he saw two winged shadows pass in the distance. They landed with such force the ground began to shake. One was clad in blood red armor and his eyes looked the same. And the others was a dark as obsidian. Amenadiel stood up, fearless. The man in the blood red armor spoke, "Amenadiel, they told me you stood with these human scum but never told me anything about Guardian scum as well." "Well look whose talking, what are you dressed like a cherry?" He retorted back at him. "What do you want, Furiad?" As Amenadiel began to brandish a sword.
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And he pulled out a blade from his back, similar to his but his was red. "To kill the son and daughter of Cassandra" as they both charged forward at superhuman speed.