As Marcus began to stand, he was overcome with pain. His body felt like he was swimming in a river of superheated fiber glass. He felt like a jellyfish. He couldn't move or even breathe. He felt like he was in hell and he couldnt get out. He, all of a sudden felt a hand grace his hot body. He felt like his body was beginning to cool down, which was a relief. "It is alright. Drink this and you will complete your transformation." As he started to slip him a liquid from a blue vial. As he swallowed the liquid, he felt his entire body tremble and grow and a pain growing from his back. As he roared out in pain as he began to stand. And then the pain stopped everywhere accept his back as he felt his back burst open as two large feathery wings burst forward from his back. They were black with red highlights. "What the hell just happened?" As he began to look at his new body. He was taller and more muscular with fucking wings sprouting from his back. To say the least, he was terrified. The bald black man who stood near him began to speak "You have started to ascend to your natural status. Now, we must begin to tell you..." as he began to walk away. "You cant leave, Marcus. We have a lot do discuss." He began to say something but he was muted as Marcus lifted him like he was nothing and threw him through the stairs. How he had gained superhuman strength but it felt great until when he tried to walk out of the cabin and was thrown back through the room. And by time he fell back on the ground, he was grabbed by his neck and hoisted off of his feet. "Do that again and you will regret it boy." As he put him down and put him in manacles. He strained as he tried to break the cuffs but couldnt. "The cuffs are made of empyrean steel and carved with angelic dampening runes. You cant break them." As he sat in restraints he couldnt break free of. As he noticed a mounted deer head on the wall and the painting of St Michael vanquishing Satan.
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"Wait, why are we in my uncle's house?" As he began to see in increasing clarity from the darkness that clouded his vision before. "Charlie sent me to look out for you. Even though Charlie isn't his real name." As he began to look around his uncle's cabin. "Wait, what do you mean, isn't his real name?" He said as he began to lay back. His life was taking a turn for the worst. "Wait, where is my sister? What did you do to her?!" As he began to go near him, wanting to take his head off. "I dont know. Your uncle is looking for her." As he began to walk outside, looking out to see who was there. And his uncle walked through the door, his sister in his arms. His eyes were either deceiving him or he was seeing a faint golden glow around his sisters body. She was changed somehow much like him. Or she might be exactly like him. "She is just like you. And we have a lot to discuss." Only 2 words crossed his mind. Oh shit.