How I meet you

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It was a cold night in Gotham like always. It was quite though. You where with your family in your apartment in Ryker Heights. You and your sister where playing hide n seek.

You were hiding when you heard a loud bang. You got really quite. You are only 4 but that noise you know is bad.

You close your eyes tight. You hear your sister and mommy scream.

You borrow under the bed you under. You hear another bang and your sister yell. Then another and silence.

You stay where you are though scared about what could happen if you leave.

You don't know how long you are under the bed when you hear lots of footsteps and voices. You slowly come out from under the bed. The first thing you see is three yellow sheets over your family.

A man spots you. He comes up to you and tries to touch you but you back away.

"I won't hurt you. Promise." He says. You nod and walk up to him. "What's your name sweetie? Mine is Jim Gordon." Gordon says.

"Y/N L/N." You answered.

"That's a very pretty name. Now let's get you out of here." Gordon said. He picked you up and carried you outside to his cruiser.

You stayed quite the entire time to the precinct. When you got there Jim picked you up and carried you inside. You where half asleep already.

You barley noticed the other man there. You fell asleep quickly.

"I assume your here to adopt her Bruce?" Gordon asked. "Yes. I heard one of the girls survived so I thought I would take her in." Bruce said.

"Alright I'll get the paperwork." Gordon said.

It wasn't long till all the paperwork was finished. The little girl was still asleep in Gordon's chair.

Bruce hated to have to wake her up but he had to. He nudged her a bit but she didn't even flinch. He tried a few more times but nothing happened. He finally decided to just ask her to wake up. "Y/N I need you to wake up." He said gently.

She finally opened her eyes. Her eyes where a Beautiful shade of e/c. He told her he had adopted her and that she was living with him now and then they left for the manor.
When they got to the manor she had already fallen asleep again.

Bruce picked up the tiny child. He walked up to the manor and knocked on the door unable to open it with the tiny child asleep on him.

Alfred of course opened the door. "Welcome back Master Bruce." Alfred said.

Dick and Jason where running to come see there dad. "What's that?" Jason asked pointing to the child.

"Your little sister." Bruce said. Dick was quick to grab her from Bruce. She was a lot smaller than the teenagers.

But that was ok.
{time skip}
It had been a few months since her arrival. Jason and her had bonded over their love for books and movies. Her and Dick bonded when she showed interest towards acrobatics and gymnastics.

Her and Alfred would have tea together. And her and Bruce would just like to be around each other.

She didn't know there secret though. But that was ok everyone was happy as can be.

  Authors note:
This story will have many parts to it and will go into other books I make.
Thank you to everyone who has said I can do it and who has supported me in my time of need.

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