Meeting the Gang

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Tris POV

Maths draws on until the bell rings for lunch, I'm excited to introduce Four to the rest of the gang.

I get up grab his wrist and start heading to the cafeteria, as I do I feel sparks when I touch him but brush it off he's way out of my league no point getting my hopes up.

I walk in and see Christina and Will sitting at a table and Zeke and Uriah in line. We walk over to the table and Christina looks at me with a smirk, I wonder what that's about I'll have to ask her later. We sit down and I introduce them.

"Hey guys this is Four, Four this is Christina and Will"

Zeke and Uriah walk over as Shauna, Marlene and Lynn get there.

They all sit down and I introduce them to Four.

"Hey man sweet ride you have out there, you'll have to give us a ride sometime" Zeke says and they start talking about cars so I zone out

I get up to get some food but Four stops me

"Where are you going?"
"To get some lunch want anything?"
He nods then says "I'll come with you"

So we walk over to the line up

"So tell me about yourself Tris" I hear him say and I turn to look at him. Why would he want to know about me I'm nothing he'll find that out eventually.

"Umm there isn't really much to know, my parents are lawyers, my brother is a nerd who just reads all day and I enjoy dancing and sleeping, I'm quite boring, what about you?"

"Oh um, my dad works in the government and I play football and love cars, see I'm as boring as you" we look at each other and laugh

I grab a burger and some cake and turn back to tell Four to get some too.

When we get back to the table he says
"Why did I need to get some cake?"

"Just try it I say"

He grabs his fork and take a piece of cake and puts it in his mouth, then his eyes go wide and he pretends to faint

"This is the best cake ever! Omg!"
We all just laugh at him and carry on eating our lunch.

"Tris cheer tryouts are this afternoon" Christina says and she looks at me with the same pleading look she gives me every year, and every year I tell her I'm not going to try out and this year is the same

"Chris you know I'm not trying out so why even bother telling me?"

"Please Trissy we get to cheer for the football team" she says with a smirk and I have no idea why.

"So? You do that every year that has never changed my mind before?"

She looks at me with a evil glint in her eye and turns to four who hasn't heard any of this cause he's too busy eating his cake.

"Hey Four are you trying out for the football team?" she says

He looks up at her and frowns
"What?" He says with a mouth full of cake

"Are you trying out for the football team?" She repeats

"Yeah I was planning on it tryouts are this afternoon aren't they?" He says

"Yeah Tris and I are trying out for the cheerleading squad and try outs are at the same time" WHAT! I'm not trying out I scowl at her.

"Oh great I can't wait see you both there" he looks at me with a smirk

"Umm no I'm not trying out" I say while looking at Christina with nothing but hate in my eyes

"Oh why not you look like you'd bee a good cheerleader" I head Four say

"She is!" Uh shut up Christina

Maybe I should try out, it means I get to watch Four tun around the field all afternoon and at games. I mean he'll never look at me like that but I can look at him right?

"Ugh fine Chris I'll try out"

The whole cafeteria stopped and looked at us cause she let out the biggest scream god she is so embarrassing but I love her!

"Yay! We have gym together so it will be easy to change and go to try outs together" she says

Ugh now I have to go and try out

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