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Name: Memory
Nickname: M
Side: Memory
Age: Thomas
Gender: female
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: long dark brown hair with bangs, pale skin, grey eyes, bags/eye shadow like Virgil
Pjs: big fluffy cat pjs and Aizawa sleeping bag
Regular: black mouth guard, httyd t shirt, Yin-Yang hoodie, gray ripped jeans, white sneakers
Personality: M takes things a little too seriously and doesn't laugh that much(mainly cuz she can't). While she does like the light sides, she stays with a dark sides a lot more, trying her best to keep them in order while helping them with any problems. She is also a mood.
Likes: order, peace, naps, coffee, darks, sometimes lights
Dislikes: loud sounds, memories being out of order, being the only girl, when Remus steals all the coffee, getting panic attacks
Crush: Janus, Virgil
Fears: panic attacks, nightmares, falling in love
Other: She can't talk so she uses Sign language (which the sides understand[expect Thomas]) and a pen/notebook. No one has ever seen her mouth.

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