Chapter 4: Odds in Your Favor

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You headed to the classroom after lunch. Your eyes widened a bit when you saw Suho conversing with Yeon. He sat on the seat next to her,. You heaved a sigh and went to your place. Keeping yourself distracted, you started doodling nonsense notes on your spare notebook. It was full of cute figures. Yeah, there were puppies, puppy eyes, chibis, and Baekhyun's name in different writing styles. Perhaps you can sell them as an art work, considering your fancy works are incredibly done. But your art form must be kept to no one but yourself. You wouldn't want anyone to know about your infatuation with Baekhyun, right?

While scribbling, you hear Suho & Yeon's conversation. He asked her if she'd like to be his partner, and of course, she took the opportunity to share a grade on top of the curve with him.

"So you're now my partner! But why did you not ask her?" Yeon asked pointing at you.

It was too late when you thought of giving Suho the don't-tell-her look.

"Baekhyun's her partner already." He stated doubtingly, probably wanting to take back his words.

" it's Baek-(y/n) partnership." She teased. " finally had the courage to ask him?" she added, keeping her voice soft so that no one can hear.

"He asked me." you replied.

She pouted her lips and nodded discreetly.

Not waiting any longer, your professor for the next subject comes in and you started focusing yourself on the lecture instead of daydreaming of Baekhyun again.

Hours passed too slow today. Why does this happen everytime you're excitedly waiting for something?

A sudden tap on your desk jolted you.
"Let's go?" You saw Baekhyun standing in front, looking down at you.
Oh finally. Dismissal.

The time of my life has come. Thank You, Lord.

"Yeah. Let's go." You tried not to stutter or look very delighted by his offer.

Fixing your things up, you saw Suho looking at the both of you. You were about to say goodbye to him when he silenced you by just giving you a thumbs up with a smile and then he left immediately.

Baekhyun led you out the room & you can't help but feel like the happiest girl in the world.

While you saw Suho walking briskly in front of you two.

It's getting cold but you feel an emanating heat as you jaunt to your house.

It's winter and the scenery is how you've always wanted it to be. You're walking with Baekhyun with trees at the sidewalk covered with snow and blowing freezing wind in your company.

Rubbing your hands together, you blew warm breath in them and hid them inside your jacket after.

But Baekhyun ceased walking to face you, removed your hands from your pocket and held them tight. You were shocked by his sudden action. Still looking into your eyes, he leaned a little to warm your hands by his breath and rubbed them together with his beautiful hands.
You stayed still, dumbfounded & feeling fuzzy about what just happened. Baekhyun just smiled at you and you both continued walking with your hands intertwined. IS THIS A DREAM?
No. Thanks!

"(Y/n)..." He called out.
"Yes?" You're still stopping yourself from beaming due to extreme happiness.

"What are your likes? What are your dislikes? What's your ideal type? Tell me. I'm interested in you." Baekhyun spoke casually and blithesomely while still holding your hand on the way to your crib.

Wait did he just say he's interested? Interested in you??? What does he mean? Is this normal? How often does he say this to girls he holds hand with?
Or are you overacting? Maybe interested, meaning curious or.. Let it go~

"Uhh...I--uhh I like reading books, playing with my dogs, making poems..."

"I can see that." He nodded while smiling at you. Ohhh his eyes smile tooo how adooorable. (^3^)

"I don't like procrastinating. I dislike bad boys, bullies, slackers. I hate liars and users." You sighed.

"Ohhh. Now your ideal type?" He asked as he squeezed your hand, making your face flush.

YOU. Yes baby it's you. You're the one I love! You're the one I need! You're the only one I see~~~oh baby baby it's you--oowoohoo--

"I'm waiting." You went back to your senses as you heard him.

"Oh. Ah. Do I really have to--" you see him smile beautifully at you, "okay well, I'd like a cute bright guy. Also, it'd be perfect if he's doing well in academics, and sports, if possible. I want him to be always sincere and true." You ended with a big smile on your face. Actually, you were thinking of Baekhyun's attributes to describe your ideal man. But not so much with the acads and school stuff- Suho's forte.

"Well, that's a pretty perfect lad, huh?" He commented.

"Strict compliance not required." You replied, looking down while smiling, which earned you a seductive chuckle from him.

You're actually the one, Baekhyunnie. (Y/n) you're crazy...for him! 💕 you thought.

Next thing you know, Baek was sharing his own answers to his own questions.
You listen attentively as usual.

"First, I like you." You were thunderstruck.
"Second, I don't like cucumber." Still stupefied.
"Last, you."

You stopped walking.
"M--me?" Speech is hard. (0_o)

"Yes you. You're my ideal type." He replied, making eye contact with you.

WHAT TO DO? HEAVEN ARE YOU HERE? ANGELS, are you gonna get me now? How did I deserve such overwhelming gladness? My hearteu~~~

You didn't know how to reply. Turning your gaze everywhere, you saw your house just a block away.

"Oh we're here thanks for the company thanks for your time take care bye bye." You spat it out so quick it sounded like a whole new world---WORD. Ever so quickly, you ran to your house, leaving Baekhyun hanging.

But seriously, you felt like you're on the flying magic carpet of Aladdin.


"Gaaahh. Why did he say that? Does he really like me or he's only casually flirting? How many girls huh? Am I the only one he's saying those heart-melting words to? Why does he like me? I'm not so feminine. I ONLY wear jeans and simple blouses in school! I have never shown some skin outside, for the sake of my conservatism.
Why me? Am I dreaming? 'Cause if so... I don't ever wanna wake up." *feels*
You were rolling crazily on your soft bed, hugging your cuddly little puppy plushie.

*roll roll roll endlessly*

Just then, your phone buzzed. You grabbed it from the side table and...

"You ran from me again. Next time, I really won't let you."

Baekhyun. My heart please. Call 911.

"To reply or not to reply? To reply or not to reply? To reply or not to-- Aishh! This is harder than math!" You exclaimed.

You raised your puppy stuffed toy and started talking to it.
"You! Yes you little pup! Stop making me feel like this. I'm cherophobic! Can this be love~~~" you went nuts, obviously.

You glanced again at your phone beside you.


I'm not replying. *crossed fingers*

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