Chapter 10: Farewell

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"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" Jungkook waved, jumping as he makes his way towards you.

"Kookie!" You hugged him.

"Sweetie, where are your parents?" Your mom chipped in.

"They're already seated inside." He beamed excitedly.

"Hey hey hey! What am I missing?"

"Ohhh here comes the star of the day." You clapped your hands as Suho approaches you.

"Congrats, Suho hyung." Jungkook placed his arms around his shoulder.

"Well, I wouldn't have made it without you guys." Awww. He's so thoughtful.

"Group hug!" Your mom shouted and you all formed a circle in a hug.
[Play music- media]

The familiar sound of graduation march filled your ears. The parents were all smiles as their beloved sons and daughters walk honorably in the carpeted aisle. You were the second to the last student to walk at the middle, being the Salutatorian, next to Suho who really made the most out of his year in this school.

"At last we've come to this moment when we bid farewell to those who've diligently helped us to come to this stage. But it is wrong to think of this as the end, for this is just the beginning, the start of many more hurdles to be surmounted, of more problems to deal with, of more sleepless nights to endure, and more coffee-filled days to go through. I hope all of us will still be able to achieve more and be able not to stumble upon the rocks on the way." Suho's words have always touched anyone. He's one brilliant guy, really charismatic. But his valedictory speech is by far the best you've heard from him. Carried away by his look and how his eyes sparkle as he speaks his heart, all you hear is his voice and you focus on nothing but him. Your eyes brimmed with tears as you hear him say more of his heart-warming and thought-provoking statements to end his speech, "I thank all of you who have been part of all our glory. Also, thank you to my friends, my parents, my bestfriend..." He looked at you smiling, and again focused on the audiences. "And to end, I'd like to share to all of you an important lesson I happen to stumble upon my way, don't ever lose yourself in the process of valuing someone too much, for some may say giving so much importance to someone is good, but in doing so, you might ruin yourself instead. Maybe some of us may put our utmost effort in finding something we desire in someone we want, but then we must be careful not to lose our own selves in the process. Before loving someone, love yourself because you cannot give someone the love you cannot even give to yourself. That is how you'll be able to build & to achieve your dream, by loving who you are, what you are, & what you do."
Applauses echoed loudly throughout the hall. Some stood up, some just cried silently on their seats.

Suho went down the stage and walked to his seat, which is beside you, as smiling audiences greet him. You hugged him tight and pinched his white cheeks. "Myeonnie, you made me cry. You're so good with words."
He wiped off your tears with his soft thumbs. "I was sincere."

Releasing him from the hug to be able walk altogether in front for the picture taking, you looked at the far right seats. You don't know why, but your eyes searched for him.
He was chatting with Taeyeon happily. How dare he feel not even a bit pang of guilt for what he did. Tsk.
Well, Yeon, never have you talked to her ever. She used your weakness against you- Baekhyun.
All was the plan of these two. They're really for each other. They fit together. Liars. She did it because she likes to see me hurt. I never should've thought she'll be a real friend to me.

But now is the time for celebrating and not hating. Hey, you graduated with laurels! You beamed at the camera as sincere as you can. No hard feelings. No bitterness. All you wanted to feel right now is happiness and contentment. Suho and Jungkook are surprisingly on your left and right, respectively, also flashing their pearly white teeth.

Goodbye to this school wherein you made good and bad memories. You walked out of the campus hoping time will someday heal the wound your experiences this year has brought you.

Why did you ever have to experience something so painful as heartbreak?

As you walk away from the premises of your alma mater, Suho's words at the night you talked to him & Kookie about heartbreak lingered in your mind...
"Didn't I tell you before? That maybe the reason some people hurt and leave us is maybe because someone much better, much worthy of your time and effort is gonna come, who's not going to hurt us or leave us like the others did."

"Someone's gonna come, (y/n). Or maybe has come..." Kookie added.

"Maybe I'm not for these sweet things, maybe I'm not meant for this. But thank you." You smiled at them.

Farewell also to the holidays & vacation. :'(
I hope there'll still be spare time to write again.
Thank you for reading. :)

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