Chapter 3: Tell Me

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As thoughtful as ever, Suho walked you home immediately after dismissal. He even insisted that he'll bring your bag, but you rejected his offer. People sometimes see you mistakenly as a couple probably because of how Suho treats you ever since. Deep inside, you know he's just being your bestfriend, being there when you need someone, being there to help, to listen and to understand you especially when certain things in your life get entangled. He's just there to fix the knot and make matters smooth again.

"I'm so lucky to have you, Myeonnie..." you muttered out of the blue whilst walking leisurely next to him.

"I'm lucky to have you too, (y/n)." he replied.

There was some kind of feeling bothering you. You felt like you want to say more, but you don't know what it is to say.

"I feel so useless, worthless...Am I being as good to you as you are to me?" you asked.

"Why? Of course you are. Why'd you ever think of yourself as bad?" He answered, puzzled.

"I mean, aren't you so sick of me telling you everything I could about me? I always share my sentiments, my thoughts, my--- even my crush. But I feel like I've never let you do the same. I'm being unfair..." you replied in a gloomy tone.

If Suho hasn't been named as your bestfriend, he might be a diary. You tell him your life stories ever since you were kids. He always listens and his eyes sparkle when he does. Never did he not make you feel that he's listening. He's the kind of bestfriend who does not pretend to care, for he really does.

You turn to Suho and you see him smiling while looking down.

"I only have one secret." he told you as he looked at your face.

"Tell me then." you replied back, biting your lip in anticipation.

"And I won't let anyone know because it's the most precious thing I have." He continued.

What? I am his bestfriend and he won't dare tell me?

Just then, when you were about to voice out your thoughts, you heard him say,

"As my bestfriend, I ask you not to bring up that topic again. Friendship is not all about secrets anyway."

And that made you zip your mouth 'til you got home.

As soon as you have changed into pajamas, you started burning the midnight oil for your homeworks and quizzes for the week.

"Help me not to hate Karl Gauss, Abraham de Moivre, Pierre-Simon de Laplace and their friends for discovering things in statistics. Gaaahh patience." you huffed while writing down notes.

Suddenly, your phone next to your books buzzed.

Needless to say, it didn't stop you from working. You never liked the idea of procrastinating. Just the sound of it annoys you---PROCRASSTT- nevermind.

After that one buzz, several followed, which literally irritated you to the nth level.

You got your cellphone and hastily read the messages from an unknown number.

They read:

"Annyeong! Good evening. :)"

"Are you busy right now?"

"Hi. Can we talk for a bit?"

"I've been thinking of our project."

"I've been thinking of you."

The last message slightly made you blush, but you sent the butterflies out the window. Hastily, you sent your austere reply.

Who is this and why are you sending me lots of messages? Please be considerate, I'm busy.

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