Chapter 14 - The Dog Man

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Something wet and sticky drooled over his face. The sound of heavy panting blew within his ears. Tristan opened his eyes to find a long drooping tongue dangling out between sharp teeth. The tongue rolled over his face, and strong paws sunk eagerly into his chest.


Tristan rolled over to his side, the bed feeling foreign beneath him. He quickly rose in alarm while the dog yelped and dug excitedly against his side. It took Tristan only one quick look around the room to know what dirty game was played on him last night.

Those fucking bastards!

This was not the room he slept in every night. This was not the castle. This was his home. When he was drunk last night, his bastard friends had taken advantage of him and brought him here rather than take him back to the castle. And they brought his dog along as well! 

The light coming in through the terrace was strong, which meant it was already late in the morning. Shit. Even if he tried to get out of here, the servants would definitely see him. But what was worse, Cylia must have already told Klara that he was home, and at any moment servants would be storming into his room to bring in breakfast and tend to his needs.

Just as he thought of it, the dog gave out a loud bark as he sensed a presence outside. And next, there was a knock at the door, before Klara entered the room wearing a rare smile on her otherwise rigid face. The dog instantly ran off and leapt at her, digging excitedly against her legs.

"Lord Tristan! Welcome back," she said, before she turned to give the dog a light pat on the head.

"Klara..." Tristan forced a friendly smile.

"Cylia told me earlier that you came back home last night," Klara said. "I didn't wish to wake you, but I'm sure you would want to have breakfast by now. It's almost noon. I shall ask the servants to bring you something right away."

"No Klara, wait." Tristan stopped her at once. "There's no need. I will be heading back to the castle shortly."

"Oh..." Klara's face fell in disappointment.

"Just have someone bring food for Beast," Tristan said as he gestured towards the dog that still hopped happily around Klara's feet.

"Yes my Lord," Klara said, her face still long, before she turned and left the room.

With Klara gone, Beast instantly turned around and leapt at Tristan again, barking and pulling against his pants.

"Stop it, will you!" Tristan snapped, and the poor creature backed away and sunk to the floor, whimpering with drooping ears and sad puppy eyes.

Tristan sighed and walked out to the terrace, followed by persistent scurrying steps and heavy panting. He stood behind the railing, looking down at the empty garden below. It was so green and so quiet, the only sound was the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves as they danced with the gentle breeze. It was very calming, and after just a few moments Tristan felt like all his troubles had disappeared. No wonder Olivea had loved spending a lot of time in this terrace...

His throat grew sore at the mere memory of her sitting in here, dressed in a long ivory gown that matched her beautiful pale skin and complimented her midnight black hair.

Tristan reached for Beast in search for some kind of distraction, or perhaps solace, and as he did, the huge black dog leapt up at him, almost doubling him over. Ecstatic at finally being given attention, Beast continued to frantically dig and kick and lick against Tristan who only stroked him calmly.

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