Chapter 31 - A Game of Betrayal

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The unbearable summer never seemed to end, the heat growing more vicious every day. Mikal looked up at the small barred window above him, begging for the slightest breath of air. But rather than receiving a cooling breeze, he was assaulted by more scorching heat.

Just how long did he still have to remain in this hell?

He could not understand what was taking Vilfred so long to usurp Frederik and withdraw the Kassarathi forces from Grytia. He had all spring, and almost half the summer, to fulfill their side of the agreement, ever since Bernard died. And yet, there was still no news from Grytia...

It was still early in the afternoon, which meant Tristan would not come for his daily visit until a few hours later. It was all Mikal could think of amid his maddening confinement and the suffocating heat. The only thing he longed for. A little chat with his human friend over a game of chess.

Friend? Did he really think of Tristan as a friend?

Mikal sighed as he sank back into his bed, shaking his head at the absurd thought. His long imprisonment had certainly messed up his mind.

He was barely starting to dose off, when the door burst open. He woke up with a start and smiled in excitement at the sight of Tristan, especially that it was a very early and unexpected visit. But his smile lasted only very briefly.

There was no time to process what was happening. Tristan stormed towards him, followed by Jared, dark and dangerous fury on both their faces. And before he knew it, a terrible blow assaulted Mikal's jaw, and a great force dragged him off the bed, shoving him to the floor. And next, a frenzy of kicks and blows followed, thudding loudly against his bones.

Blinding pain shot through his body and straight to his head, and the room started to spin around him. Mikal grunted as he lay face front unto the floor, neither able to rise nor even breathe beneath the brutal force of both Tristan's and Jared's blows combined. Jared yanked him up, his massive fists pinning him in place while Tristan continued to beat him, aiming merciless punches to his chest. Loud thumps filled the room as Tristan struck Mikal with all his might, crushing his ribs and battering his face.

"Please! Stop!" Mikal gasped, finally finding his voice. He was too stunned and too terrified to even try to fight back.

"Stop?" Tristan hissed, before he sent another savage blow to Mikal's chest, knocking the breath out of him. "I'll only stop when you're dead, you fucking traitor!"

"T... Traitor?" Mikal barely breathed, completely confused by Tristan's accusation. What was going on?

"Shut up!" Tristan growled, his fist connecting with Mikal's face.

Warm blood gushed down Mikal's nose, splattering against his ivory shirt and dripping unto the floor. Mikal started to struggle against Jared's hold, but to no avail, and it only caused him more pain as Jared's stone hard fists closed tighter around his arms.

"Tristan, please!" Mikal pleaded, but Tristan continued to beat him, his black eyes blinded by rage.

Tristan suddenly grabbed Mikal by the neck and closed both his hands around it. Mikal gasped for breath, his legs kicking involuntarily and his wings spreading uselessly against Jared's hold. Why? What happened?

"P...Please," he barely whispered as Tristan continued to strangle him, raw blood spurting in and out of his mouth. He could feel tears slipping down his cheeks, mingling with the blood that covered his abused face.

Mikal knew he stood no chance as he lay trapped between Tristan and Jared, both much larger and stronger than he was. The room spun faster and his single eye rolled into the back of his head. He held unto Tristan's hands around his neck, silently and blindly pleading for mercy. He was going to die. Killed by the man he had just thought of as a friend. And he didn't even know why.

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