Chapter 30 - Summer Festival (Part Two)

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(Painting above for Alex, Alina, and Cylia)


Alina looked around her in awe.

Everything seemed to glow and glitter, from the Lords and Ladies dressed in their most luxurious outfits and sparkling jewelry, to the marble pillars shining like moonlight within the hall. A massive chandelier with hundreds of candles danced in the center, while gold and purple tapestries and colorful stained glass windows decorated the walls. The whole castle vibrated with blasting music, and the floors shook with dancing youth, and cheering guests. Wine flowed endlessly into cups that never turned empty, and platters of the most exquisite desserts filled the tables.

It was a dream. A chaos of beauty and noise and joy...

"Why, Tristan your entertainers' quality has declined greatly. Tavern whores would have more class."

Alina was suddenly brought back to reality, turning around in shock at the insolent speaker. A beautiful winged woman with raven black waves that hung past her waist and an arrogant look in her dark green eyes. She was dressed in an extravagant red gown, embellished in emeralds and diamonds to match the tiara on her head.

"Sophia!" Tristan smiled warmly, taking her hand and kissing it gently.

"Is that one of yours too?" Sophia asked as she looked at Alex with disdain.

"I am afraid he is," Tristan chuckled.

"My, you have certainly acquired quite an unusual taste." Sophia shook her head in disapproval, while Tristan laughed.

Alina clenched her fists in fury. Why was he laughing? That woman was apparently insulting him!

"Please don't mind my sister. That's her unusual way of humor." A handsome winged young man with long brown hair and matching brown eyes interjected, flashing a dazzling smile at Alina. "I'm Stefan," he said as he took Alina's hand, and Alina's eyes widened. That was Crown Prince Stefan! "And this gorgeous woman here is my sister, Princess Sophia."

"It's a pleasure, Your Highness!" Alina curtsied nervously before the Crown Prince, while Sophia scoffed, turning back to her conversation with Tristan.

Stefan soon joined his sister too, and as they both started chatting with Tristan and Cylia about boring political matters, Alina turned back to watching the celebrations. And even though Tristan sat deeply engaged in conversation, Alina could often feel his eyes boring into her, burning her with their intensity. 

She tried to avoid looking at him at all costs, and she even attempted to distract herself by drinking wine while she continued to watch the guests' extravagant outfits. But eventually her attempts failed, and she found herself finally stealing a peek at Tristan. 

Their eyes locked together for the briefest moment, before they both quickly looked away. And next, Tristan suddenly got off his seat.

"I will go see Mikal," he said, out of nowhere, and Alina frowned in confusion.

"Can I come with you?" Stefan asked excitedly.


"I can't believe you're leaving us to go hang out with your Northern pet!" Cylia scoffed.

"He's not my pet." Tristan rolled his eyes before he turned to leave, followed by his two guards.

"Who's Mikal?" Alina asked curiously after Tristan left.

"Mikal Nordstrom of Nordenvania. He's our prisoner," Cylia said, and Alina's heart stopped, her whole body freezing. Mikal what?

"He's not our prisoner," Stefan objected. "He's our guest!"

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