Chapter 7

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As Damian enters through the stairwell, his surroundings begin to dim as he makes his way towards the star-filled night sky.

He puts an ear to the roof door before cracking it open slightly. Coming from the other side, he only hears a soft melody.

Gently and silently, he cracks the door open a little wider.. peeking through to find you sitting on the edge of Titan Tower.

You open your fist and looks at the locket you've had since you were a little girl. Opening the locket, you see the small picture in the middle.

It was a picture of you.. and your brother, Connor.

He was a several years older than you, with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He took after your father the most, even his sense of humor. But he got his determination from your mother.

He didn't inherit your mother's power like you did. But he didn't need it to be a hero.

After the incident with Raven healing you and prying through your past memories, it had brought up the unpleasant ones that were still painful..


The sky cackles with thunder as large raindrops fell to the ground outside of an almost abandoned warehouse in Star City.

You had been drugged and captured by Dark Archer, Malcolm Merlyn, one of your fathers enemies.

You were only 9 at the time, and had not yet had complete control over your Canary Cry.

There was a rag stuffed into your mouth and chains restraining your wrists and ankles, not allowing you to leave, let alone move.

Tears run down your cheeks at the aching pain you felt everywhere. Merlyn had tortured you for at least half a year, maybe longer, you didn't have any concept of time.

It had taken your father a half a year to track down where you were, and it had broke him completely.

Not only him, but Connor too. He blamed himself for losing you at the park. You were his songbird, his little sister..

How could he be so reckless as to lose his sister in broad daylight, just to talk to some girl from his school?

Connor was just 16, but he had grown up on self defense and bow and arrows. He refused to let your father find you alone.

Together they finally tracked you down to the warehouse.

The metal doors bust open, your father as Green Arrow and your brother as Speedy.

Relief washes over you as you finally see your family coming to save you.

Your small body had been beaten over and over again, some days you were willing to just die, but you kept going.. for them.

The fight between all three was long and hard, but your father finally got the chance to run to you, breaking the chains off of you quickly.

"Oh Y/n... I'm so-.. so sorry," Oliver cries as he hugs your bruised body, a few tears slipping from his eyes.

"I-it's okay dad.." you mumble as your eyes get heavy, smiling into the hug.

Suddenly, you watch as a single arrow comes flying towards you and your father, making you gasp.

Connor ran towards you at full speed, seeing the arrow also.

"Watch out!!" He screams as he jumps in front of the arrow before it hits Oliver or you.

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