Chapter 16

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"Grandfather...?" Damian questions as he lowers his katana slightly.

"Damian, my blood," Ra's Al Ghul states as he takes a step towards Damian.

Damian stares at him for a moment, before readying his katana again, determination in his eyes.

"It's a trick. I saw you die," Damian shoots back at Ra's, making him shake his head.

"No trick. It's me. I assure you. I exist. Lord Trigon is my sustenance," Ra's explains as he lifts a hand to the air momentarily.

"He's a devil," Damian spits with a harsh glare to his grandfather.

"No. He's a god of necessity. How do you think I attained my power?" Ra's questions as he raises a brow, taking another small step towards Damian.

You glance in between the two opponents, watching as Damian closely with slight fear and doubt.

"Where do you think the Lazarus Pits came from? It's all his doing, and he can make things whole again for a price. He can give us the world we wanted," Ra's attempts to try and convince Damian to fall for his tricks.

"You and I. A perfect world. She's the only one who stands in the way. Prove your love, Grandson. Take care of this for me. Before my pact with Trigon expires," Ra's commands as he points his katana towards Raven, who was still behind you from protecting her.

Damian glances over his shoulder towards you and Raven, only to meet your masked eyes.

You look at Damian with desperation and betrayal, wondering if he was truly willing to kill either one of you for Ra's.

"I... I would do anything to bring you back, but, Grandfather, I don't..." Damian struggles to say as he glances to the ground, his heart and mind tearing at each other.

"You hesitate. Why?" Ra's questions as he steps forwards, the tip of Damians katana at his chest.

"Are you afraid to do the one act that will restore me to life?" Ra's questions, attempting to bait Damian.

"I'm not afraid of anything!" Damian shouts as his eyebrows knit together in anger.

"You dare disobey me? Have you forgotten your heritage? You are an al Ghul!" Ra's screams back, an enraged expression on his face.

"No, I'm a Titan!!" Damian shouts as he pulls his katana back, swinging it towards Ra's.

The two back up and begin to battle against one another, their katanas clashing.

You knew you had to help Damian..

You turn to Raven and put both of your hands on her shoulders, making her eyes focus on yours.

"Raven listen to me. You have to put Trigon in that crystal. We've helped you this far, but now is when you finish this.." you state as you pull her into a hug, comforting her before she had to deal with her father.

She hugs back tightly, sighing shakily as she closes her eyes for a moment. 

"I know you can do it," you add as you pull away from the hug, placing a sisterly kiss on her forehead.

You stand to your feet, grabbing your bow as you run towards Ra's, ready to fight him as well.

Raven shakily stands to her feet as she walks towards the shattered crystal.

"Stupid girl," Tigon spits as he speaks telepathically to Raven.

She falls to the ground, a single shard of the crystal resting right in front of her.

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