Chapter 8

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The next morning, the Sun seemed brighter than it normally did.

You blink open your eyes, rubbing them as you attempt to sit up.

You were suddenly stopped by a weight around your stomach. Glancing down, you see an arm wrapped around you.

Remembering last night, your cheeks flush into a deep red as you glance behind you, seeing a sleeping Damian.

His breathing was soft and slow, the sunlight not yet waking him.

Gently, you remove his arm from around you, not wanting him to embarrass himself. Not that you minded though..

You turn towards Damian, looking down at him with a smile. He seemed so peaceful, like nothing was wrong in the world.

Hesitatingly, your run your fingers through his hair, wondering if his hair just looked spiky or if it really was.

Surprisingly, it was soft, extremely. Pulling your hand away, you place it on his shoulder, shaking him softly to a wake.

"Wake up, Damian," you speak gently as you hear him groan.

His eyes blink open to see you propped up on your hand, looking down at him.

The morning sun made your skin glow and your hair shine while blowing in the air. Your smile as sweet as honey with eyes that almost gave Damian chills.

He gulps as he blinks a few times, making sure what was in front of him was real. Sure enough, he wasn't dreaming. And he was thankful he wasn't..

"Mornin' sleepy head," you giggle as you sit up all the way, stretching your arms.

Damian rubs the tiredness out of his eyes as he joins you by sitting up. You glance down at your phone to see it was about 7:30am.

"Sleep well?" Damian questions bluntly as he watches the sunrise.

"Yeah, though it would've been better if the roof was cushioned," you chuckle to yourself as you stretch out your sore back.

You begin to stand to you feet before Damian takes a hold on your wrist. You look down at him quickly with a questionable look.

"Watch the sunrise," Damian almost commands unashamedly with no hesitation as his hand moves from your wrist, to your hand.

You nod your head as you sit back down, bringing your legs to your chest as you watch the sun rise next to Damian.

Usually, you never woke up early enough to watch the sunrise, or stayed on the roof to watch it.

It was quite beautiful actually, the morning heat tingling your skin.

Once the Sun was nearly completely up, you stand to your feet, reaching down to help Damian up as well.

He accepts your hand as he comes to a stand beside you, wiping off any dirt or dust that he might've collected.

After you both had wiped off, you cross your arms and motion towards the door.

"You going to apologize to Jaime?" You question with a slow head nod, already suggesting the answer Damian was going to say.

Damian groans in annoyance with an eye roll before sighing.

"If you wish," he finally gives up as he crosses his arms.

You smile brightly as you grab his wrist, leading him towards the door, almost dragging him.


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