| Chapter 9 |

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Sammy cleared his throat, smiling at Jack and the girl. They stop their disgusting display and look at us. Her leg was draped over his lap and he purposely squeezed her thigh.

"Oh hey," Jack the asshole said.

Sammy nodded. "Just wanted to introduce her to Joss. Jocelyn, this is Imogen, vice versa."

She gave me a stupid smile. Her hoop earrings were bigger than my head. I imagined that I grabbed her by the ponytail and yanked her off Jack's lap, rendering her unconscious with my bare hands. I shook out of it and nodded in place of a greeting.

"Happy Birthday Jack," I said in a plain tone.

"Thanks," he said, equally plain.

"You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend, Sammy Sam," Joss said.

What the fuck is a Sammy Sam?

Sammy chuckled. "Nah, never that. You know I don't do relationships. We just have a mutual understanding," he said, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Ain't that right, cutie?"

I shrugged, a little less enthused. But I was used to this. "We're living the American dream."

For a quick second, Jack looked at me with a softened expression. He shook his head and looked at Joss, going right back to looking like an asshole.

"Cool," Jack spoke. "Well if you don't mind, I have to finish getting my birthday gift."

I rolled my eyes and downed the rest of my drink. "I need another." I quickly went back to the kitchen only to find my cousin being held almost upside down by Skate over a beer keg. Others were cheering him on as he drank what he could. When he stopped, Skate put him down and Cousin Jack threw his hands up in the air.

"Oh shit, yo Imogen!" Skate shouted over the music.

"That's my cousin," Cousin Jack shouted as well.

"Related? Holy shit, welcome bro!"

I rolled my eyes and pushed past them to get to the hard liquor. There was gin, multiple bottles of vodka, Bacardi, and whiskey. I went for the whiskey & mixed in some Coca-Cola. It was more whiskey than soda.

After three more red solo cups of whiskey cola, the room spun. But I loved it. I laughed and dance regardless of Jack's presence. I felt nothing but fucking joy. I was happy that Cousin Jack was fitting in with everyone. I didn't need to keep my eye on him. Two girls were keeping him busy; especially the one with the purple hair and crazy amount of ear piercings. Most of the night was a hazy blur but bits and pieces stood out. I had went to the bathroom and had fallen in the tub. I'm sure I laughed at myself for a good 10 minutes. Skate danced with me, so did Sammy, and Jack kept glancing from the other end of the room at me while Joss grinded on him. Skate, Cousin Jack, and I were playing cards at one point. I'm pretty sure I didn't know how to play so I bullshitted the entire thing.

Then Sammy told me to meet him in the bedroom.

I didn't really feel like having sex that night. I already felt the sensual warmth from the alcohol. But to my surprise, it wasn't about sex - it was about smoke. When I got in the room, I saw Cousin Jack, Skate, and a guy named Kenny who looked super innocent. Sammy took out the gas mask & bong he talked about and set everything up. Ever since I tried it with Taylor, it's my favorite form of smoking. Even if I didn't have all of these other drugs at my leisure, I'd be fine with only weed. There's no fucking maintenance needed. With everything else you have to worry about things like overdosing, overheating, seizures, and other fatal accidents that could happen because you were too stupid to chill out.

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