| Chapter 7 |

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"You're breaking the rules, Miss Riley," Jack smiled. "We're supposed to stay on campus. My special place is nowhere near here."

"Where is it?" I couldn't help but tilt my head and look at him a certain way. I'm sure he would read me in a flirtacious manner. Maybe I was flirting, maybe I wasn't.

"You'll see," he licked his lips. "One day soon, hopefully. Waiting until after my birthday. I have a hunch my parents are getting me a car."

"That sounds nice," I nodded. "I doubt I'll be getting a car anytime soon."

"Play your cards right and I'll let you drive one of these days," he winked at me.

Okay, this kid was heavy on the flirting and he was winning me over without even trying too hard. This is not good. Not good at all. If I were Superman, well, Superwoman, he would be my hunk of kryptonite. Making my entire body its weakest without even touching me.

Jack wanted to have a little sneaky fun. He wanted to see how much we could wander the halls without getting caught by the school security or anyone from the main office that likes to wander the halls for who knows what reason. It was like a game. We must have walked about 4 laps around the school until the bell rung. We blended in as the hallways filled with fellow students.

I watched as Aaron from group showed a super disinterest in a cute little brunette that was clearly flirting with him.

"Hey Aaron," she had said all giggly toward him.

All Aaron did was turn around from his locker and wave at her with a half-assed smile. His eyes rolled when he turned back around. I approached him and Jack followed. I leaned against the locker next to Aaron's with my arms crossed. His eyebrows furrowed.

"What," Aaron uttered.

"Do you have to be such a charming heartbreaker?" Hopefully he sensed my sarcasm. "That girl clearly likes you."

"Who? Maisie? Just because someone likes me doesn't mean I have to automatically date them," he replied, shoving a book into his locker.

"True," Jack jumped in. "But you'll never know how amazing she might be until you give her a test drive. Right Imogen?"

I looked up at Jack and he wiggled his eyebrows up & down with a stupid grin. Sly fucker. I whipped my head back down at Aaron, some of my hair decided to stick to my lip gloss. Hated when it did that.

"He's right, Aaron," I said, moving the hair off my laquered lips. "And I mean, she's a pretty girl. Looks nice."

"That's it. She's too nice. I'd probably break her soul in half," he elaborated. "I need someone kind of like you I guess. Your soul doesn't really care. No offense."

I didn't let it show how much that kind of hurt. I kept my composure, though. Imogen Riley is to never show signs of weakness, although Jack has already succeeded in breaking down one of my four walls. I just have to rebuild it before he breaks down the last three.

I shrugged and got off the locker. "Okay, Carpenter. See you in group."

I've got my work cut out for me but I'm feeling charitable. First I have to fix Cousin Jack. If he's going to openly broadcast to half of Westside High that we're related, then we're going to have to look and act like we are. It's not enough that I'm tanned with jet black hair (originally a simple brunette) & he's pale with blonde combed hair- but this whole country club act is not flying with me.

Second...I'm going to fix up Maisie. What girl wouldn't be up for a makeover? I'm not going to slut her up. Maybe just a tad. But I'm also going to give her a crash course on how to pull the guy she wants and not take no for an answer.

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