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//If This is your first fic of mine that you've read, you may be a little confused
This is an extension of my George and Alex fic about how Fraser and James get together in it so the other fic will have more details but other than that please enjoy xx

'Tap, two, three, four, tap, two, three, four,' was the only sound my mind was failing to blank out as my leg bounced up and down underneath the table. I hadn't seen Fraser since he'd moved out not that long ago, and for good reason, too.

Leaving him out of the eboys had been a business decision for all of us, but what I hadn't realised was that my relationship with my best friend came first. We'd all done bad things in the situation, and all I wanted, however cheesy it sounded, was to give him a hug.

My eyes were glued to the door, and as soon as I saw jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt, I knew that my best mate had arrived. I did my best to be natural as he timidly waddled his way over to the table that I was sitting alone at, because of course I was the first one to arrive.

Once Fraser reached the table, he gave a small wave, and I knew he wasn't sure weather to speak or sit down. I knew the only way to break the tension in a situation such as that, was to let out what was held up in your mind. So I did all that I could think of; I stood up, and wrapped my uncomfortably long arms around Fraser's adorably small frame.

Fraser took in a sharp breath, signifying surprise, before returning the hug. He was short enough, against me, for me to use as a head rest, and his short, dainty arms could barely clasp each other behind my back.

"I love you, mate," I sighed into his shoulder, "I'm so sorry this happened."

"I love you too, James," I felt Fraser's arms pull in tighter, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, buddy," I felt tears prick the corners of my brown (with gold flecks) eyes and immediately pulled away, using the sleeve of my bright yellow jumper to wipe away any tear residue.

After a long, rather normal considering the situation, talk, catching up on life without each other, the rest of our group began to show up.

The majority of the conversation involved us all apologising and giving explanations, and Fraser apologising for putting it on blast. I don't intend to bore myself recounting the details, however.

Eventually, George, Alex and Will left in what felt like an abrupt and inconceivably awkward battle over 'who had the bigger crush on who'.

We all said our goodbyes, and I began to realise that I would be left alone with Fraser for the second time that day.

"So, that was weird?" I laughed once the rest of the group had left.

If I'm entirely honest, despite having lived with Fraser for what felt like forever, I was quite nervous to be around him in that moment.

"Seems like everyone has a bit of drama going on, but us," Fraser laughed back, obviously feeling the same way as I did.

Suddenly, inspiration for a topic starter struck.

"When we lived together, you told me every little thought you had," a reminiscent smile formed at the corners of my lips, "Tell me every thought I've missed out on over the past few weeks?"

Fraser's eyes seemed to shimmer in delight. In the bright lighting, they seemed a very light blue. However, I had taken notice of their tendency to shift tones.

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