Another Perspective

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It had been close to twenty-four hours since I'd returned to the solace of my bedroom. I hadn't really felt the need to leave; most of my friends were occupied with their own issues, and Fraser and I weren't speaking.

The morning after the whole pub incident, George had gone on a complete rampage, and Alex had still somehow forgiven him. So, how hadn't Fraser forgiven me? Sure, I hadn't called him or messaged him, but I felt as though I was the one who deserved an apology.

However, I also didn't particularly take to the idea of wallowing around my apartment until I inevitably realised that Fraser and I were both respectively waiting for the other to give in. So instead of growing some balls and just calling him, I took the middle ground and decided to call Alex and give him... sparing details, and somehow expect him to provide sufficient advice based on those sparing details.

The phone rang a few times before my mate picked up.

"Hey mate," Alex's voice seemed cheerful through the phone.

"You sound like you're in a good mood," I smiled, for the first time since confining myself to my bedroom.

"Just... happy," Alex was undoubtedly hiding something, but I wasn't especially in the mood to play Sherlock, "Anyway, what's up?"

"Fraser and I," I paused in order to craft a way to explain our fight without hinting towards a relationship, "Had a small argument because... we were drunk?"

"You must've been absolutely smashed because you don't sound like you remember it all that well," Alex chuckled before becoming more serious, "If you were both drunk, you probably didn't really mean any of what happened. Sometimes, emotions are brought out that we didn't think we were even able to feel. Alcohol is one of the things that has the ability to drag those emotions out."

"Well... what else does?" I was entirely aware that asking that question left me open to a multitude of questions and interrogation, but I needed to know.

I'd never known Fraser to act like that, I'd never known Fraser to be jealous. He wasn't exactly acting like a different person, but he certainly wasn't acting like usual. It also wasn't like him to not at least message me after a fight.

"I guess, with me at least, it's anxiety," Alex's answer to my question was the most profound thing I believe I've ever heard come from that little man's mouth, "Even in friendships, but especially in relationships, I'll get annoyed and angry and jealous, and I'll push people away. I really feel anger, but it's not anger that I mean. It's not because I don't want to be with them, it's not because I don't care about them. It's for fear of losing the love I have for them, or for fear of their love growing out of my control or reach. So I become cynical."

Proceeding that response, our conversation turned to radio silence. I could barely put words together. Alex had just fixed a relationship issue that he wasn't even aware I had.

"Thank you..." I held back a tear at the thought of Fraser possibly feeling the way Alex described, "After that, I think I do really need to talk to Fraser. And, Alex, I know that that's not just you coming up with shit. You're obviously speaking from experience, and I hope that everything's okay."

"It is now," I might as well have heard Alex's heart beating.

There was definitely more that happened between him and George than them just 'making up'.

"I'm glad then, mate," I smiled weakly, despite my friend not being able to see it, "I should go message Fraser. Thanks for this, you helped more than I think you realise."

"All good, mate. Good luck," Alex said before hanging up.

I immediately clicked on my best friend's contact.

BigBoy😎: Can we please talk?

Read by SoftBoy at 11:34am

I decided that if he wanted to play that game, I just wouldn't give in. Sure, Fraser was stubborn. But once he was over being angry, he was a marshmallow. I decided on calling him.
A few rings sang out, but no answer.

SoftBoy: if you wanna talk to me do it in person over the phone shit is ridiculous

That actually sounded perfect to me. Time to prepare a few 'I'm sorry' gestures. No, not sexual for once. 

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