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I don't think I'd worn clothes in over twelve hours. Fraser's heavy sheets were drenched in bodily fluids, and I couldn't quite tell the difference between them at that point. My best friend's head was, once again, cradled between my arm and my chest.

"You're really good at that," Fraser looked up at me with his signature pure smile, despite what we had just done.

With Fraser staring up at me, wearing nothing but his puppy dog grin, I could finally see the eyes that I'd admired for so long, whilst playing the role of closeted best friend, clearly.

And, though this was an odd observation to have about someone I'd lived with for a year, I felt like I was seeing Fraser, himself, clearly for the first time. Entirely, raw. Yeah, he was an amazing friend to joke around with. And lean on when something went wrong. And he'd never failed to give sound advice. And that's the way I'd seen him. He had never been a sexual prospect to me, let alone a romantic one. And yet, opening up the possibility of being sexual, seemed to have simultaneously opened up the possibility of being romantic.

I cradled the back of Fraser's head in the palm of my hand and slowly inched my face towards his. He obviously had the same idea, and he filled the gap between my lips and his.

'If he couldn't get any more gay, it's obvious that he used cherry flavoured lip balm.' That was my immediate observation, until I made my ultimate observation; we weren't kissing because of some sort of raw urge. We weren't kissing because we craved some form of animalistic release. We were sharing that intimate moment because the man whose tongue was tracing the inside of my mouth, was kind, and cute, and he cared about me.

When we finally pulled away, there were many things I felt the need to say, but only one bubbled to the surface.

"Let me take you out. Tonight."


"You ready to go, Fraser?" I called from the front door, "This isn't fair, you know? I'm wearing clothes from literally twenty-four hours ago!"

Fraser entered the room wearing clothes for a change; a fresh pair of black jeans and a rose patterned button up.

"See?" I walked over to him, placing my arms around his waist, "You look all cute and I smell like sweat and... dry cum? Gross... what the fuck?"

"Yeah, that's yours," Fraser chuckled, "I remember specifically because I said, 'It's gonna get on your shirt,' and you said, 'I-'"

"Okay, enough of that," I stopped my mate from finishing his sentence, as I remembered that interaction as well as he did, and it was unnecessarily vulgar and upsettingly distasteful.

"Ready to go?" Fraser's height meant his chin rested exactly on my chest.

"With the smell of dried man milk as my deodorant, I'm ready to go," I left a peck on Fraser's lips and we were off.

Although unconventional, Fraser and I had both decided that we didn't need to go to a movie or to dinner. Sure, this was our first date, but we'd known each other for ages, and understood every slight intricacy of the other's personality already. There was no room for awkwardness and no use for getting to know each other.

So, as I hadn't gotten to spend much time with him since Fraser moved out, we'd decided to take out our child for a walk to the park. Our child, of course, being Kenji.

Our respective shoes scuffed lightly against the damp London pathways, the sound of light rain pattered on the umbrella I held in one hand, the other firmly clasped around Fraser's. Kenji's paws made their own little tapping sounds, and street lights alluminated just enough that we could view the sky and each other.

"Get closer, Nabby; Kenji's gonna get wet," I squeezed my date's hand tighter and he pulled his other hand closer, leading the shiba with it.

"Nabby?" He laughed and looked up at me.

"It's a cute nickname," I shrugged.

"Yeah, maybe if you were my dad," Fraser playfully rolled his eyes at me.

"Okay, then," I stood tall, "What's your nickname for me?"

Fraser paused for a few moments, attempting to calculate the perfect pet name in his head.

"Jamie?" he finally responded in a questioning tone, raising one eyebrow.

"Took you that long to come up with 'Jamie'?" I scoffed, "That's already a name. And a bad one, at that."

"Oh, look we made it to the park!" Fraser immediately changed the subject in a sad attempt to relinquish his nicknaming duties.

It seemed to work, though.

He began to run through the park entrance, consequently dragging Kenji and I with him. The running destroyed our umbrella ecosystem, and I decided to let it go all together. I dropped the umbrella at the entrance to the park, being sure to remember where I had left it nonetheless.

We eventually stopped underneath a street lantern, across the other side of the dewy grass. Rain falling atop the lantern provided a rhythmic pitter, and the lantern provided a faultless backlighting to our movie-esque kiss. Our tongues entwining, the weightless footsteps of falling rain, unparalleled lighting. We truely were living a romantic comedy.

A first date to remember.

// Don't worry this ain't over yet

Code Words - iNabber × James MarriottWhere stories live. Discover now