Mr Milkman

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My eyes slowly fluttered their way open, the top of Fraser's head being the first thing I saw. Remembering that I wasn't in my own bed, or even my an apartment, I let out a comforted sigh. I'd missed having someone to wake up to every morning- even if we were usually in separate rooms.

I picked up my phone to check the time, only to realise two things; we had both slept in until 1:30 (the previous night had been a big one, after all) and a flood of texts from Alex and Will. Was that fight still going on?

TrilingualDad: Can someone please tell me wtf happened ?

The light from my phone seemed to wake my bed buddy up.

"Sorry," I turned my phone off and placed it beside my bed, "The group chat has been blowing up."

"Is that fight still going on?" Fraser turned over to pick up his phone, denying me of his warmth.

INabbedYourHeart: seriously george what did u do this time

MinecraftSteve: pretty much told me to shag Elmslie

SugarDaddy: George hasn't talked to me since last night i don't know what to do. Will please be the bigger person

"Honestly, I think George is just jealous of Alex's obvious thing for Will," I shrugged, turning to face Fraser's side of the bed.

The blanket slid off me as I moved, and I realised that Fraser and I were both still naked. Quickly retrieving the blanket and pulling it back over me, it appeared Fraser and I had both realised the same thing at the same time.

His face turned a flowery pink, and I couldn't help but realise that he wasn't just a hot friend for me to have sex with, he was also adorable. However, in an attempt to salvage the exchange, Fraser continued our previous conversation.

"It's bullshit," Fraser rolled his eyes, an action from Fraser that had always piqued my interest.

"Why's that?" I raised an eyebrow, clasping the sheets to my chest in realisation that my best friend had now seen my penis twice.

"You remember Will, Alex and George all went to dinner the night Alex and George moved in together?" Fraser began to explain and I nodded along, "Well, Alex had a bit of a crush on George, so he decided to make a move. He went to hold George's hand under the table, and I think George became a little... defensive. He not only pulled away, but started laughing and making fun of Alex for it."

That didn't sound like my friend at all. But I supposed I had a code word with my best friend for discreet booty calls in order to hide my sexuality so...

"Oh, shit..." I sighed, "Poor Alex. And now he has to go through it all again."

Fraser nodded in agreement, obviously not quite sure what to say. I thought that was odd for Fraser, with him usually being able to ramble on about anything, until I was once again snapped back into the harsh reality of my sharing a bed with my naked best friend. There was an annoyingly short moment where all we did was look into each other's eyes, which only served to make the situation more awkward and me more horny.

"I'm gonna get some cereal," Fraser peeled the blanket off of himself, revealing his naked boy to me once again.

I couldn't help but watch his ass. Sure, he was sweet. That I now knew. But I'd be neglectful if I ignored his sex appeal.

"You know..." I spoke in a sultry voice and pinched my best friend's ass from where I lay on the bed, "I don't think we have any milk left."

"What do you mean? Of course we do," Fraser turned around without thinking, revealing the rest of him to me once again.

"No, I mean... Come back to bed," I smiled cheekily.

Code word unlocked. Milk = hand stuff.

//short chapter cuz yeet

Code Words - iNabber × James MarriottWhere stories live. Discover now