Extravagant Disaster

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I sat atop a wooden bar stool, across from my friends and next to Fraser. My hand held it's own discrete seat atop Fraser's thigh. Every now and then I would give it a little squeeze for good measure, and to watch my friend attempt to fight the blush from his cheeks.

Sure, we could just not be discreet about it. But being open regarding my relationship with Fraser held more consequences for me than it would for most people. First there was the whole internet thing, then our dickhead mates, then the fact that neither of our parents were even vaguely aware of our homosexual tendencies.

"So you're gay, George?" Will questioned, oddly forward considering the situation.

There was a small stall before George's response.

"I guess I kinda am?" George sounded as though he was questioning it, himself.

Alex scoffed slightly, causing Will, Fraser and I to telepathically decide to stir some shit. We all knew there was more to what happened between him and Alex than met the eye, and this was the perfect opportunity to find out.

"Why don't you go hit on a guy then?" Will raised his eyebrows and lowered his head.

Alex's glance instantly shot towards George. Surely he could at least attempt to mask his jealousy, especially in a group such as this. This reaction, however, lead me to the perfext idea.

"Fifty quid if you can get a guy's number," I let a cheeky grin slip.

"I'll put down an extra fifty if you get a free drink," Will, no doubt, approved of my idea.

George paused for a moment, annoyed but still, for whatever reason, weighing up his options.

"An extra fifty if you get a guy to kiss you right here, right now," Fraser made one final addition and I grabbed his ass underneath the table in approval, making him smirk.

"Ooway!" Will threw his hands in the air.

"Aye!" I added.

George seemed hesitant, however.

"Guys, I'm the most introverted guy at the table. Alex is bi, why not make him do it?" he whined.

"Think of the money," Fraser attempted to be enticing, but he just sounded cute to me.

'And make Alex jealous,' Will mouthed, and Fraser and I had a mini chuckle to ourselves.

Even though Alex and George 'weren't seeing each other' the idea of making the other jealous, proved convincing enough for George.

After around five minutes, George came striding back towards our table and gave us all a bow before taking his seat.

"We'll Venmo you later," Will smiled.

It wasn't the money that seemed an issue at that point, however. A brief glance at Alex showed him to be distraught. His face was red all over, and tears dropped from his eyes.

"Shit, Alex..." Will took action and walked his way over to Alex, "It's okay, let me take you home. I'm sorry; we went too far."

Alex stood up and nodded towards Will, wiping tears from his eyes. Will put an arm around him before beginning to guide him out of the pub.

We all sat in silence for somewhere close to ten seconds. Fraser and I were simply dumbfounded, but George appeared regretful. One thing was for sure though; this was what happened when you came out in our group. And, despite my feelings for Fraser, I would never do it.

"George?" Fraser was the first one to speak up.

"I'm gonna go," George sniffled back tears, and Fraser and I immediately shared a glance.

We both knew we couldn't leave George alone in the state he was in. And we knew that walking home alone at that time of night wasn't particularly safe either. Not for someone of his height, anyway.

"How about a couple more rounds and then we'll walk you home?" I smiled across the table, and Fraser nodded in agreement.

George nodded concurredly and got up to order another round.

"God, he's easily convinced when he's tipsy," I laughed.

Without warning, Fraser leaned in and meshed our lips together. I promptly pulled our lips apart.

"You know I love spur of the moment drunk shit, but what if George sees?" I panicked.

I supported Fraser's arms over my shoulders, and placed mine consolingly around his waist.

"Do you really care that much?" Fraser tilted his head, "Why shouldn't our friends know?"

"I thought we decided on this?" I lowered my voice whilst keeping an annoyed tone.

"No, we never agreed on that," Fraser pulled away from me, "You just decided that on your own!"

I spotted George returning from the bar and immediately tore myself away from the situation. Whilst gone, however, George seemed to have bought more than just one drink for himself. Either that, or the previous drinks had finally kicked in. His drunk walk came across as confident, despite making him look like a total dumbass.

"'Nother one?" George went to hand Fraser and I each an additional beer.

We both shook our heads, not only no longer in the mood, but also severely worried about our friend.

"Lets get you home," I stood up and Fraser followed.

The walk back to George's place would have been awkward considering Fraser and I's situation, were it not for our friend's random drunken slurrings every ten seconds.

With the help of the key card from George's pocket, Fraser and I managed to safely transport our friend home. Once inside, we tucked George in and he immediately nodded off.

"We do well looking after a drunk child," Fraser laughed as we watched George, and I grabbed a hold of his hand.

"We certainly do," I kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey, about before," my friend looked up at me and I took a deep breath in preparation for the worst, "I understand what you mean. Telling the group is a conversation, not a decision we need to make right away."

I'd never quite 'fallen in love', but I supposed hearing something as considerate as that was one thing that caused it.

"Also I'm craving Nando's," he whispered in my ear, an action that entirely ruined the moment.

"Seriously?" I backed away from him.

Fraser shushed me and pointed towards our sleeping 'drunk child', and we both decided on leaving the room to have a fight.

"Is that the only reason you said something that nice? Is all you want from me sex?" My tone was indignant, despite having to whisper.

"No, it's not," Fraser took my hands, "It was a bad way to word it, but I genuinely didn't mean it that way."

Nevertheless, my complaints weren't quite over yet.

"Plus, I'm not gonna leave George here alone like this," I pulled my hands back.

"Oh, stop being overdramatic! He's fine!" Fraser crossed his arms, and his voice raised.

"Quiet; you'll wake him up," I shushed him.

"Seriously? Is this what you're like in a relationship? You'll prioritise any gay man over your boyfriend?" Fraser hissed at me.

"Oh, have a day off, man," I rolled my eyes, "You're seriously jealous of George?"

"If you're gonna continue to put him ahead of me, then yeah," he replied.

"Oh, stop being childish!" I yelled, causing a stirring noise from George's bedroom.

I turned my head to my friends door, in hopes that he would not open it and find Fraser and I fighting in his living room. And as I did, Fraser silently left.

What an extravagant disaster the night had been.

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