A new sibling

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Martial Law's pov

The five of us walk for about a good 30 minute give it or take, but i did not expect the house to be a mansion! Like crazy right? I mean Asean is taking care of 12 kids or is it dad now? I don't know if he let be his child or not but i hope so. I look up at the mansion and let me tell you its huge!

The short two color flag with stars and a cresent open the door and i see 7 other countries. "Dad, this is Martial Law my older brother." Philp introduce me to Asean. Asean sigh and said. "Do you want to stay here?" I nod. "We will go to the adoption center tomorrow then." Wait what? "You must be confuse but for me to really take care of you i need UN to know that other wise he will take you as hus own or so." (This did happen to Pura and Tem but it was the next day since its late at night)

Oh now i get it..."Hey Mar!" "Mar?" I look at this country who look like Singa and Pura but remove the stars and cresent. "You're new nickname duh! Anyways im Indonesia but call me Indo!" "Im Malaysia but can me Mal or Malay." "Cambodia but call me Cam." "Laos is my name." Thats a short name so i understand that she doesn't need a nickname. "Thailand just call me Thai." "Myanmar, nickname is Myan." "Vietnam at yiu're service but like the rest who have nickname call me Viet."

"Nice to meet you all and i guess my nickname is Mar." Then the three sibling come to me. "We haven't introduce each other. Im Temasek but call me Tem." "Singapura but call me Pura." "The name is Singapore but call me Singa." "Are you and Pura twins?" "Yes we are but in older." Singa answer.

"I see...well dad or can i call you that?" Asean smile and nod. For once in five years i felt happy that i finally have a home. Philp hug me which i was suprise. "Big brother...don't leave me again please?" "I promise." I took my pinky out and Philp lock it with his pinky while smiling then quickly hug back. Which make everyone hug me even dad so its a win win!

Me:*sobs* amazing...

Singa:uhh you okay Am?

Me:*nods* thats all for today my little chocolates

Mar:stay kind and be strong!

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