Chapter 31: Grocery Store

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Mumbo's POV
  I woke up early in this morning and  prepared myself for today.

I'm so excited and I don't know why.

I went to the kitchen to have some breakfast and looked around to see Grian. I'm surprise that he's not here yet. He always cooks breakfast for us because I always overslept every morning but not today.

I can't wait to see him.

But I froze when I suddenly remembered my dream. It was nightmare to be exact. In that nightmare, me and Grian are in a relationship but something happened. I'm not exactly sure because it was vague but I can say that it was so bad. It was a disaster, a very very destructive one that broke the two of us. It wasn't a natural disaster, it was like an artificial one. I just can't describe it by words. But the one that bothers me a lot was Stress. In that nightmare, I saw her crying. I was about to approached her but someone stabbed me from my back and that made me awake immediately.

"Don't you dare cook without my permission." A familiar voice said, made me brought back my senses to reality.

I look behind my back to see Grian with his messy hair. I nervously smile intending to remove his angry pouting face.

He then says "So, are you going to the grocery with me? You won't wake up early unless you wanna accompany me. C'mon, Mumbo I know You."

"I thought you'll never asks." I replied.

He smile at me and says "What are you waiting for? Go and wear some nice clothes from my closet. Get your quarantine pass and be ready."

"How about breakfast?" I asked but he left me after that.

With no words, he went to his room and closed the door. I just stand there for a couple seconds to think what should I do first. I then decided to go to my room and change my clothes. I know he is joking about the closet because he knows that I'm  going to wear the my own clothes, the ones that I was wearing when I first got here.

Wait, closet? Is he trying to imply something.

When I finished preparing myself, I came out of my room and went downstairs. While I'm waiting for Grian, I eat his cookies for fun. I know his reaction if he finds out that I'm eating his cookies. I just ate it peacefully until, I became full. I stop eating it and put it back in the cabinet again.

Patience Mumbo, he'll come down soon.

I waited for another 30 minutes before I got bored and went to his room. I opened his door with annoyance.

"What the hell Grian? What are y-"

I saw his half naked body. My eyes are now glued on it, I can't even look at the other direction. When I got a chance, I closed the door immediately and breath heavily.

Goodness, that was close.

I came downstairs and walked back and forth. I look up and down, still not knowing what to do.

This is why I keep on falling in love with him.

He then came out of his room with his clothes on. I didn't looked at him, instead I stared at the door.

"Next time, knock before entering." He said in a motherly tone.

I just nodded and keep my gaze at the front door. He throw a roll of tissue paper to my head and that makes me look at him.

"Ouch that hurts." I say while touching my head.

"You're overreacting, it's just a tissue paper. I you don't want me to throw it to you again then look at me while I'm speaking." He answers as if he is a mother disciplining his child.

I scratch my head while nodding. He then came down to the stairs and approached me.

"Let's go!" He says while walking towards to the front door.

I just follow him like I'm a lost child. I'm way taller than him so... I guess it's cute? We head over to the grocery store with a mask on, gloves on our hand, goggles and a beanie.

I swear we look like bananas.

When we entered the store, we removed our beanie, and goggles. We looked around and Grian quickly grabbed the last cart. I just walked straight ahead and he followed me.

"I hope no one will recognize us here." I whisper to him.

He nods while looking around suspiciously. Unexpectedly, the lady in the front of us suddenly looked at the our direction and noticed us. We both avoid her gaze but she just keep on staring. We are about to go in the opposite way but she suddenly approach us.

"Hey are you guys a couple?" She ask with her mask on.

We are both shock that's why we freeze for a moment. We look at each other then look back to the lady.

"HAHA Miss, we are ju-" Grian was interrupted by the lady.

"You are a very cute couple, I hope your relationship will last until the end." The lady says while holding my left arm.

"No Miss wer-" Grian was once again interrupted, but this time it was me.

"Thank you Miss, I appreciate your concern but-" the lady interrupted me like she did with Grian.

"Oh Your welcome have a good day." She said then after that, she left.

We are standing here speechless and not knowing what to do. We look at each other again but this time, our face is completely shock.

"There's no ways we will become a couple." Grian says to me while narrowing his eyes.

"Ok? You already rejected me." I says, rising up the awkwardness around us.

"No that's not what I mean, I like Stress and I-" He stopped and his eyes widened as if he realized something very bad.

"I What? What are you going to say?" I asked while leaning closer to his face.

He blushed and walked away with the cart. I just watch him do that because it's cute.

I smirk and murmur to myself "I'm pretty sure he likes me."

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