Chapter 2

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*Darcy 's P.O.V*

"Mom! What do you think?!" I asked as I showed my mom my art assignment.

"Is that me?" She said.

"Yeah. It was an art assignment. I had to draw someone from my family, so I chose you." I informed her.

Dad came home from work and I showed him my art assignment.

"Dad, want to see my art assignment?" I asked as I walked up to him.

"Sure.” He said grabbing my paper. “This is awesome, you got every little detail correct."

"Thank you." I said.

"What grade are you in?" He asked me.

“Sophomore in high school.” I said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Wow, how old are you?”


“How are you a sophomore then? Seth is a sophomore and he’s fifteen.”

“I skipped first grade because I already learned what they were doing and I’m going to turn fourteen on December 31. Besides, Seth will stay fifteen for like, ever.”

“Right, you have a point.”

I just rolled my eyes and caught Dad staring at Mom like she was a king size chocolate bar.

His thoughts were loud and clear.

"EW! Dad, seriously!” I screamed out.

"Go hang out with Seth or something.” He said pointing towards the door.

“Mom, heads up.” I said giving her a hug and transferring what I saw into her mind. She just smiled.

“Bye!” I said running out.

I walked out and went towards Sam’s house. Once I got there, I walked in.

"Hey! What’s up?!” I called out.

I saw all of the guys by the table eating. They all turned around.

“You guys are such pigs!” I yelled out.

"Darcy!" Seth yelled as he picked me up and spun me around.

I started laughing. Seth then put me down and I looked over at Paul and started laughing again. I knew what was about to happen.

"What?" Paul asked just as he got up and his entire plate spilled on him.

It just made me laugh harder.

"You’re gonna get it Black." Paul said as he started chasing me.

I ran out and, being half-hybrid(half-human, half-vampire), and half-werewolf, was twice as fast as Paul. It was snowing outside.

I climbed up a tree and waited for Paul to come looking for me.

“Where are you Darcy?” He called out.

“FIRE!” I yelled as I pelted him with snowballs.

I started laughing as he got hidden in snow. I took that chance to run back into Sam's house. I shut and locked the door behind me and waited to see what he would do.

"Hey! Let me in!" Paul yelled.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Eight." They announced.

"In the morning?" I asked.

"Yes, in the morning. That's why it's so dark outside." Embry said sarcastically.

"Whatever." I said just as my phone began to ring. I pulled out my IPhone and answered.

"Hello?" I said.

"Darcy, um, your mom got, um distracted and, kind of, burned the food. Can you ask Emily for take out?" My dad asked.

"Wait, what'd she get distracted with?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.


"OKAY! Bye." I said as I hung up.

"Hey, um Emily, can I have take out? My mom got 'distracted' and burnt the food." I said putting air quotes on the word distracted.

The guys started laughing and Emily nodded her head. I took the plate of food and saying my goodbyes as I walked home.

"I'm a robber with food!" I yelled as I entered the house. I left the food on the table as I went upstairs. I heard moaning coming from my parents' room so I decided to have some fun.

"Oh, Jacob! Oh, right there! YEAH!" I half moaned half yelled in order for them to hear me.

I heard Dad murmur something under his breath and come towards the closed door, I quickly hid behind the nearest wall. He came out and looked around, I tried my hardest not to even breathe. He left and just as I was about to leave he jumped in front of me and started tickling me.

"You thought you'd get away with it didn't you?" He said.

"St-Stop!" I yelled between laughs.

"Okay, now go to bed."

"Well then, no thank you for being the good girl I am and bringing you two food." I said as I crossed my arms.

"Thank you, Princess." He said as he gave me a hug and kissed the top of my head.

I smiled as I gave him a hug and said, "Night Dad."

"Good night Princess"

YAY! UPLOAD! Sorry it took so long, I had to change everything! Not very fun!

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