chapter three

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"Holy shit, you're little Madeline Milkovich."

Everyone was now sitting at the table waiting for answers. Mickey sat beside Maddy, clutching onto her hand as is she was going to disappear. Ian sat across from them with Yevgeny in his lap, shooting daggers at his lover.

He knew he shouldn't be this mad at Mickey but he did lie to him and it was a pretty big lie, Mandy didn't bring it up either so there was obviously a reason behind it.

With her other hand, Maddy was strumming her fingers on the table with a small pout on her face, waiting for someone to say something but she knew that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

"So..." She started, running a hand through her hair before leaning back on the chair.

"You're supposed to be dead." Kev finally said, everyone gave him a look from the statement he made but he was right, she was supposed to be dead.

The girl let out a chuckle, "Quick news flash, I'm not. Never did die in the first place." She said with a simple shrug.

"Well you either died or ran away, pick one." The older man added, earning a slap to the arm from V.

Maddy rolled her eyes and shook her head, were people really this stupid? "I did not die or run away, I've been locked up for seven years." She said slowly and sternly, trying to get across the stupidity of the man.

While the younger Milkovich was trying to explain that she didn't die, Mickey was being extremely quiet and that was concerning Ian.

Never in his life had he seen Mickey like this, for the past twenty minutes he's been staring at his and Madeline's intertwined hands with an unreadable expression on his face.

What pulled him from his trance was being elbowed in the ribs. "You hearin' this Mick, they think we're cousins." Well, Lip, Debbie and Carl thought they were cousins. Kev and V knew they were siblings, Ian just assumed they were.

"Hey, look." Maddy said, grabbing Mickeys chin and pressing the side of their faces together. And holy shit did she look like a female version of Mickey. The hair, the eyes, even the fucking eyebrows. Maddy looked more like Mickey than Mandy did.

Lip nodded, he seen the resemblance now. "So, why were you locked up?" He asked, repositioning Freddie on his lap.

Before Maddy could say anything, Mickey butted in. There was no way on earth the Gallaghers were getting the true story, every Milkovich sibling swore not to mention that night and Mickey was going to keep that promise. "She did something really fucking stupid." He said, glaring at his sister.

"Well if you call saving your asses 'really fucking stupid' - oww, what the fuck Mick!" She exclaimed after Mickey punched her arm.

"Shut the fuck up Maddy." He warned.

The raven haired girl rolled her eyes and shoved her brother. "Fuck you!"

"Fuck you!"

Lip shook his head and began chuckling. "The fuck you laughing at Lip?" Mickey asked and Maddy's eyes went wide.

"Wait, you're Lip?" She asked, raising her eyebrows to which he nodded to.

"Vin suka, yaka trakhalasʹ z Mandi?" Maddy asked, turning to Mickey who was grinning.

"Yes." Mickey confirmed, everyone was looking at them confused but Ian was smiling. It was Ukrainian.

Maddy looked straight into Lips eyes, giving him the most innocent smile. "YA zbyrayusʹ ubyty tebe uvi sni, todi povishu tvoyi nutroshchi po vsʹomu budynku."

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