chapter four

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Debbie, Franny and Carl came back a little later with dinner, a KFC to be exact. The Gallaghers would usually have that for dinner at least once a week.

Lip had came back to join them. Ian asked Yevgeny to go sit on a normal seat but he was quick to refuse, clinging onto Maddy, she didn't mind it though.

Ian got up and grabbed plates for everyone, setting them out. Everyone began reaching for the food, well everyone except the Milkovich girl.

She just started at it. She'd never had this luxury before, the family would be lucky if they actually got something to eat half the time.

Maddy has been living off prison for for the past seven years of her life and before that it was stolen goods or scraps that were laying around the house.

Yevgeny held a piece of chicken in front of her face, smiling up at her. "Here." He said, thrusting the chicken strip into her hand.

Hesitant at first she took a bite and holy fuck was it good. Food tasted like this.

Mickey smiled, noticing his sister practically swallowing the rest of the chicken. It might be seventeen years too late but at least she was getting fed good food.

The family ate happily for another while, small talk flowing through the table until the topic was pulled up, the one topic Mickey had hoped to avoid.

"So has anyone found a place for the wedding?" Debbie asked, looking around the table, only to find Mickey staring daggers at her.

"Ooooo, who's getting married?" Maddy asked, everyone just looked at her awkwardly.

Ian was throwing small glances at his fiancé who was obviously freaking the fuck out, he wished he could take his hand and comfort the man but that would only cause him to freak out more.

'Okay Mick, it's okay just get it over and done with.' He told himself.

Mickey cleared his throat, bumping his knuckles against the side of his nose. "Uhh me." He blurted out, rubbing the back of his neck.

"The fuck? I've been here for hours and you decided not to tell me you're getting fucking married." Maddy asked, turning in her chair to face him.

"It's not that big of a deal-"

"Bullshit. So, who's the chick?"

'Well you see, the chick is the guy sitting across from me that looks more like a dude.'

Okay now he was fucking terrified. See, Maddy was old school Milkovich. Terry taught them from a very young age that being gay was practically the end of the fucking world and he'd beat the shit out of one or kill one the second he'd see them.

She probably didn't know that it was okay to be gay in this day and age. Terry taught her that fags were the fucking worst up to the day she got locked up and she probably wouldn't of learned any better while being in juvie.

Maddy was for sure Terry's favourite child just like Mandy was before she came along. He was actually nice to the girl sometimes, she'd get less beat downs than anyone else, Terry even bought her things sometimes which was a fucking miracle in the household. He'd willingly spend time with her, teach her things, not good things.

She was the baby of the family, of course she would've got that luxury.

But he made sure this kid wouldn't be a fuck up. From practically day one he'd sit and tell her that fags deserved to die, about drugs, all that shit. Yeah, the man would sit and tell a baby that gay people should die and how to run the family business.

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