Chapter 6

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Sarawat's POV

Seriously, what's wrong with him?
After Tine whined about me, he fell asleep because of exhaustion at work. I was about to leave his room...
"Yah, P'Wat please get to work!" He's still commanding me on his dream. Silly kid.

In the middle of the night, I get back to the world where he came; just to visit his body on the hospital where he confined. He's lying down there with those bandages and apparatuses around his body. Who did this to you-...
"Is Tine still in that condition?"
"It's bother for us if he is still alive."
I turn back into my cat form and hiding under Tine's bed, listening to those bastards gossips about him.
"As if we could hand the company over to a dimwit who doesn't know a thing about how the world works."
"Whether he wakes up or do not, won't matter any way, it's not like he has a single person on his side. Even though I went as far as pushing him, he's stubborn one, isn't he?" W-what?
How did they do this to Tine?!
I immediately get out from his bed in extremely anger towards them and scratches those fuxkers faces.
"What in the! Why is there a cat?!"
"Shit, it hurts!"
Tine doesn't deserve any of this treatment.
I'm going to protect him no matter what.
"Hey catch it!"
I stood beside on Tine's body, flaming up angrily as they're trying to get close to me. Gonna protect Tine no matter what.
They flinches in fears as they saw me flaming up and growling like a leopard while protecting this body behind on me.
They left the room and turning back myself into a normal cat again.
"I swear Tine, I'm going to protect you all cost even my life is the cost with it."

After visiting Tine's body, I get back home and the shop was already close. I guess he is already finished.
"Okay!" He sighs heavily after doing his job inside, of course I get back to my human form so he won't freak out of me.
"Finally done for to- SHIAAA!" •____•
"YOU FUCKING SCARED ME!" He smacks my head after.
"If you're done then hear me out." Reaching out my hands on him then immediately grab him for a tight hug.
"Hmm? What's wrong Wat?" He asked out and parting away from the hug a little bit, cupping his both squishy cheeks and squishing them annoyingly.
"They're right, you really a dimwit."

(PS. Sorry late upload hahaha)

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