Tired of pretending

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See me
Really see me
that's all I ask

I tried to see you
You wouldn't let me
If you want to pretend
That's your choice

But I want to be seen
I don't want to fear being seen
I know that's against the norms
But it would be such a relief to not have to pretend
To not fear crying in front of you

I just need to be respected for who I am

I am at home
At home I am loved
I am seen
But here
I don't know

I have few friends here
I don't know if people like me

Here I'm looked at but never seen
It's so tiring

Why has our world become a place where we are expected to pretend

Pretend that we never cry
Pretend that we need no one
Pretend that we don't care
Pretend that everything is easy

Well I can't take it anymore

I cry
I need people
I need my parents
and my sisters
and my friends
and my whole wonderful family that I love
I need them because they keep me whole
I do care about important stuff and about competely unimportant stuff
And it's not easy because that's not how life works

But the people I love make it worth it

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