Chapter 22

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Fabien glanced at his friend who acted weirdly in his eyes. He noticed the heavy mood as they drove around the city, with no idea what Max was thinking about. He glanced at the boy's knuckles, which tightened as he squeezed the wheels. He kept on staring at him with suspicious eyes, waiting for him to talk. But Max was already in deep thoughts... He had no idea how Fabien would react to him when he tells him about the book... Dude... I know it sounds weird. But I took the notebook out of your bag because I thought you hid some drugs... Strangely I found some weird articles about murders and wanted to ask you if you're okay? You're not hiding a body, aren't you? That's the perfect way to ask him about the notebook. Or so he thought as a bright glow appeared on his eyes.

"Hey, stop there quickly.", he suddenly heard Fabien say, kind of in a demanding sigh. He turned to him, completely irritated but did what he wanted. He parked the car sideways beside some sweet shops. Fabien had a forced grin on his face as he pointed with his finger outside the window.

"Let's go to that ice shop. It's quite hot today. ", he said, pointing at the pink fancy shop that caught his attention. Max looked at him blankly but Fabien just grinned innocently while untying his seat belt with a sigh.

"Since when are you a fan of sweet things?", Max asked Fabien with a flat face. Fabien turned around to give Max the same blank expression.

"Since today? Your silence is suffocating me. Seriously... We are driving already for half an hour without saying anything... It seems like you want to drive me in a dark alley to murder me. I want to have many witnesses as possible.", he said, already walking out of the car. Max tightened his grip on the wheel with a sour expression as he fell back on his seat in frustration.

"Yeah but...", he tried to explain, but Fabien was already turning away. He didn't seem to hear him... So he walked out after him to follow.

"Did you ever see the shop standing here? It's my first time even though I regularly came to this street... Must be the new ice Caffè everyone keeps talking about in school. It's supposed to be really good. Let's see if they can keep up with the rumors.", Fabien said with a carefree face. Max made a blank facial expression before staring at his friend irritatingly.

"I'm not a child. So aren't you. Isn't this shop for little girls? It's a lot of pinks. ", he said to him.

Fabien rolled his eyes at the remark and decided not to answer. But it was better than getting stuck with him in a car.

It was now a staring contest between Fabien's glare and Max's unbothered stare. After a while, Max's face softened up as he let out a chuckle. He keeps nagging like a 5-year-old.

"Fine. It's my treat then since I don't want you to go crying home.", he said with a devilish smile as he patted Fabien's head. He didn't get the reaction from Fabien as he expected to although the boy let out a deep glare.

"We'll see. You better prepare your wallet because I'm taking every cent out of it.", Fabien said in return, his arms crossed with a smirk. He followed Max inside who still couldn't stop grinning.


The shop looked fancy inside with golden decoration. As soon as Fabien entered through the glass door, he was hit by the sweet smell of cookies and cinnamons. He was surprised by the pink and golden decorations but it was still a good looking combo. He didn't feel weird standing there as a lot of other guys and older men were there as well. But he didn't seem to care anyway since he came here as a relief. They looked over the counter and right through the glass dome and it seemed to rotate on its own. He could see a lot of sorts of ice to the point that it almost made him feel dizzy.

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