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As he entered his house the lights were off cause it was quite late at night. Tonight didn't go as per Zhan's wish, and it made him realize more, that no matter how much he tried to deny and find excuses he knew his love for Yibo was way deeper, and no mere substitute could replace it. Right now as he made his way up the stairs he knew he had to see Yibo and hold him in his arms tonight. But he didn't want to smell of booze to Yibo, though he drank only a little. So he went to his room to take a quick bath, and then slowly went over to Yibo's room.

He twisted the knob and he found it open like always. As the door opened it filled Zhan with Yibo's favourite scented candle's smell, he took a deep breath and then strode over to Yibo's spacious bed. He lightly pulled open the blanket and got in. As soon he laid down Yibo turned around to look straight at him with a soft smile while he could feel Yibo's warmth radiating by his side, and at this moment Zhan knew he was home. Zhan stretched his hand, brought Yibo into his arm and hugged him gently.

"I'm home. Why haven't you slept yet?",Zhan said as he dropped a kiss on Yibo's forehead.

" Welcome... back, Zhan-Ge .", Yibo lightly replied. Before continuing, " Yibo.. missed Gege..a lot."

Zhan felt his eyes stinging. Zhan nuzzled his nose with Yibo's before replying, " I missed Yibo a lot, too. Gege, is sorry."

" Lu-Jie said Zhan-Ge is a big student now. So Zhan-Ge is busy all the time. Yibo does feel lonely as Zhan-Ge doesn't spend time with Yibo like before. I thought you don't like me anymore. But Lu-Jie said it's not true, and you are here now... Yibo is feeling good.", Yibo said with a small smile , before he lightly touched Zhan's face, then reached forward and did something Zhan never expected in his wildest dreams!

Yibo pressed his lips lightly on Zhan's and then retracted back to his earlier position. Zhan looked at him wide eyed and then touched his lips, was this his own imagination.

" Lu-Jie said I could cheer up Zhan-ge this way. Also she said to tell you....umm..she said....wait... Yibo remembers now! Oh, she said Yibo to give a letter from her to you.", Yibo said as he sat up and went to the table near his bed to turn on the table lamp, and pulled open a drawer from the table, brought out the letter and handed it over to Zhan who sat up as well following Yibo.

" Hey Zhanzhan,
I know it is quite weird to write a letter in 21st century, but I accidentally threw my last phone in a river while I was drunk , and you aren't picking up my calls from my new sim number, lol. But you know I keep contact with Yibo, and came to meet him quite a few times over the month but every time you weren't home. I know a little about your situation. But don't be surprised that, yes, I know you have feelings for Yibo. How did I find out? It was quite obvious from your actions, I mean you have practically your heart on your sleeves for Yibo.
        Little bro, we may have only 2 years of difference in age, but I've seen you grown up, and I can clearly see the way you glow up when you see Yibo, or the way your eyes looks at Yibo as if he holds the whole world for you. Well others may have not realized it cause they do not pay enough attention to you. But I do! Even in Uni I can see how devastated you look and try to hide behind fake smiles, and also  you don't remember but you accidentally called Xiao Li and cried over the phone about your undying love about Yibo while you were drunk, it was about two weeks ago. So we both kinda know.
       But I think you are done with enough torturing both of you. Don't overthink. Just let fate take it course. If you continue with the way of yours, I swear, both of are going to suffer miserably. So just go with the flow. And stop what you're doing. If you are worried about Yibo's feelings towards you I don't think I will need to even write it down. It is as clear as water. But maybe Yibo himself, and you, aren't aware about it. So if you wanna talk you can always talk to me. I will always lend you my ear.
If you are concerned about the society then, first of all, these good for nothing people will always try to poke their noses where it is clearly not needed. Those people who doesn't even give a thought about your feelings before throwing their, clearly not needed, opinions. Don't worry about other opinions cause, trust me, at the end of the day it clearly doesn't matter. All it matters is, what decisions you are going to make, is it going for happiness, or living a life of lie.
           Most importantly no matter what decision you make I and Xiao Li will always support you two. For us nothing matters than the happiness of you two. So I hope after you read this letter you can see you're not alone. And your cousins got your back!
       Love you.
                                   - your beloved cousin
                                         Xiao Lu

P.s. Stop being a moron! Also pick up my calls from(xxx xxxx xxxx)!"

" Zhan-Ge...why..crying?!", Yibo said quite anxiously as he stretched his hand gently wipe them away, "Jiejie, scolded Ge? Yibo won't talk with Jie!"

Hearing Yibo's words Zhan shook his head as tears kept gushing out of his eyes , he felt himself tremble, but he had a wide smile as he touched the hands of the person who he loved so much, feeling Yibo's warm touch on his face, he brought the hand to his lips, and kissed tip of every finger.

Yibo felt a sudden tingle at his fingertips from Zhan's kiss, he stared at him with a blank face, but his eyes trembled from every touch, while an unconscious light blush got painted on his cheek, "Ge..Ge.."

" Yibo..., I have been such a big fool for a long time. Saying 'sorry' would be not enough. But I won't be an idiot anymore. Still I'm so sorry for hurting you .", Zhan said holding Yibo's hand gently in his.

Yibo tilted his head as not getting Zhan's words, "Ge, why sorry? Yibo.. not angry."

" Just know that I have been bad, but I won't be anymore, and thank you for not being angry on me. From now on I will love you even more than before! I will love you so much that you will never need anyone else other than me. I will love you so much for who you are and for who will you ever be. I will love you so much that no other person can come between us. I will love you with all my might!

And this ' love' I'm talking about is the kind that exists between our parents, or between Prince Charming and Cinderella in a fairytale. Do you get it Yibo? I love you like that. So would you like me to love you like that, or do you want me to love you the kind that exists between Elsa and Anna?", Zhan said as he wiped his tears and nervously looked at Yibo whose eyes got wide hearing Zhan's words.

" Ge....Ge.. loves me the way of Liu I and Princess of Dunting Sea ( from a famous Chinese folk tale)..?", Yibo said as his voice trembled.

Zhan nodded with a soft, but pained , smile.

" It.. means.. Ge won't ever leave me, right?"

Zhan nodded.

" Ge... you will be mine..and only mine...?"

Zhan nodded.

" Ge...", Yibo went for a hug and kept his head on Zhan's chest and sobbed , " Yibo loves you the way of Liu I and Princess of Dunting Sea too! So..always.. love Yibo like them. Never...... Elsa and Anna.. like!"

Zhan felt again his tears kicking in, but this time from happiness as he bent down to land a kiss on Yibo's head and held him tight in his arms. It felt just like a dream.

He actually doesn't know when he started to fall for Yibo, but he knew it was a long process, and something he complained wasn't aware of. But he would never like to change even a bit. Actually anyone would fall for Yibo if they would just take some time in trying to get to know Yibo the way he did. And now that Yibo reciprocated his feelings Zhan felt he was the happiest person earth. From now he would try to love Yibo even more and try to be a person Yibo can be proud of.

Here's the promised double update! I hope you like it~~~~
And I'm glad Araya you're on time today, lol!💚💚

Till the next time~~~~

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