A change of heart

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Harry's POV
When i saw granger run out of the great hall i knew something was wrong buy why? I didn't care for the granger girl but I suddenly noticed that everyone was whispering or laughing at the girl but when i went up my why to the common room to get my potion books i heard someone crying in the girls loo I decided to listen but what I heard shocked me it was granger but she was talking to herself normally I would find this funny but i was trying to understand what she was saying and what i heard made me stop in my tracks "Why me not only have my parents been murdered but everyone hates me rather than neville i have been bullied my whole life and I thought I could fit in potter's right i am a useless little know it all" she sobbed so that is why she ran out of the great hall crying and I only made her life worse i feel so horrible she did try to fit in and that moment would change potter's life forever that moment he suddenly had a change of heart he decided to say sorry to hermione and maybe be friends so he went to the common room and told his best friend rom what he just heard but to his surprise he only laughed and said "Finally she found out no one likes her she deserves it for being a buck toothed teacher's pet" but at that minute hermione entered the common room only to go back with tears in her eyes harry saw this and snapped at ron "Ron why did you do that she obviously has enough to worry about without our bullying which I don't want to take part in"
"You are seriously choosing the know it all mudblood" ron replied only to be slapped at by Harry "Don't call her a mudblood" and then stormed out of the room with i'm very confused looking Ron.

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