Shout outs

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Hey mates so i have had a lot of support on this story i am glad that it turned out ok but there are some people who have supported me or inspired me so i want ti give them a thanks *waves shyly*
So these people are:
Harmione4life (for Inspiring me to  write harry potter fanfics)
Mistletoe_Ravendor (for supporting my stories and being an amazing bestie)
TMRunner2 (for commenting things that give me an urge to continue this story)
totokitty (for being my first bestie forever Btw sorry for the fight)
readingmunii (for support thanks)
albaruspotter14 (being a good friend)
Sofiamaya227 (gives me support on the story)
ClaireCooper16 (for the support)
And everyone who supported me voted or took the time to read thank you I appreciate it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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