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Harry's POV
It was a Sunday and owls are flying everywhere I didn't expect a letter because why would the Dursley's want to send a letter to me but then a large black owl came and gave me a letter i looked at Hermione (who was busy reading hogwart's a history) and she looked back she gave me a confused look then i opened the letter it was from Hagrid!! It read
*Hiya Harry
How is first week going listen i wanna show ya something care to join me in me hut earlier today bring that Ron if ya like see ya soon!
It was written in messy handwriting i showed Hermione the letter and asked if she could come instead of Ron she hugged me and said yes that night we got under my invisibility cloak i got for Christmas we went to to Hagrid's hut when we arrived it was night we took the invisibility cloak and knocked he opened the door at first he didn't know why Hermione was there so i explained she is my friend and Weasley has a problem with that then he said "pleasure to meet you Hermione now i wanna ask ya a favor" then he showed us a dragon and explained how he got it then Hagrid asked me "Do you know anyone who could take care of this then Hermione responded "Yes Hagrid in all the books i read there is no better person to care for dragons then Charlie, Charlie Weasley i looked at her surprised she got a glimpse of my look and said "Don't worry Harry we don't have to talk to Ron we can just ask the twins although i don't trust them to tell us the truth so i can use Veritiserum on them" I opened my mouth to respond but then i  realized it was the perfect so I quickly closed my mouth she smiled Hagrid thanked us then he said "Norbet you know the dragon will be pleased" but i heard some noise oh no Weasley was at the window I pointed it to Hermione and she said "we have to go now!" We quickly left but not quick enough McGonagall spotted us and we landed ourselves on detention.

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