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It was summer, just the beginning. Henry was making his way to the quarry to meet up with belch and victor. They had arranged to go swimming and talk. They didnt invite Patrick thought because they all fell out of touch, he was usually abusing animals and the others didnt want any part in it. Henry liked the walk to the quarry it was quite and peaceful, away from his dad and his abusive life.

Henry stops walking feeling an arm around his waist and a cold metal knife at his neck. He wasnt sure who the hell it was untill he smelled blood, cigarette smoke and cherry. "Patrick?" Henry asks hearing the males hazed breathing, as if he had just ran a marathon. "Pactrick put the fucking knife down" Henry says rather irritated. Pactrick moves the knife but slumps over the smaller boy. "Pactrick what the fuck are you doing?!" Henry growls "just stay put kitten" Patrick says in a whisper into Henrys ear. Henrys whole body tenses up, "pactrick. What. The. Fuck." Henry growls. Pactricks head falls on the smaller boys shoulder, his lips pressed against the boys top. He drops the knife before hugging into Henry from behind. Henry doesn't push it, pactrick seemed upset and in the need of conferring. Henry shivers slightly feeling pactricks breath on his neck. "What happened pat?" "Some guys from the town over jumped me" pactrick mumbles, Henry places his hands over pactricks. Henry leans his head on pactricks who seemed to be crouching a bit because of their hight difference. After a few minutes pactrick lets go of Henry. Henry insistly turned to the taller male.

Pactrick had a black swollen eyes, burst lip, bleeding nose and bruises all up his arms. "How many of them?" "4, 5 mabye more" pactrick answered, they both fall into slince, they technically haven't spoken since that night at the junkyard. Both thinking that was the best day of their lives but wouldnt say it aloud. (This part happens in the book according to friends who have read it-) That magical night between them in the junkyard they have yet to talk about, have yet to talk about how Patrick gave Henry a handjob. Then Pactrick proceeded to ask Henry if he wanted to actually have sex with him only to wind up with a bleeding nose. Pactrick smirks at the smaller boy who rolls his eyes "no" Henry says as he starts to walk towards the quarry. "Aw why not kitten? You enjoyed yourself~" Pactrick says as he walks be side Henry. "Never again Hockstetter." Henry says. Henry knew Pactrick was on about the night at the junkyard. "Awie come on kitten~ just one night~ my room~ ill be gentle~" Pactrick says seductively, Henry couldnt help but blush. "Pactrick I will remind you again. Im not a fucking bottom. Im a fucking top." Henry growls. Pactrick rolls his eyes as he pins Henry against a tree, holding the smaller boys wrists about his head. "What was that bower?" Pactrick asks, slowly getting closer. Henry trys to get out of the taller boys grib, this only makes Pactrick come in closer, his leg bent between Henrys legs. "Pactrick." Henry hissed only making Pactrick want to mess with him more. "aw whats wrong bower? Lying about being a top?" Pactrick says both seductively and teasing way. Pactrick leans in much closer, to the point the boys could feel each others breath on their cheeks. Both boys where slightly blushing. Henry struggles to get out the taller boys grib, he struggles even more when Pactrick pressed his lips on Henrys. Pactrick closed his eyes in the kiss, Henry just stares wide eyed as Pactrick breaks the kiss. Pactrick licks his lips "whats wrong bower? Lose your top energy?" Pactrick asks with a sly smirk. Henry felt his legs weaken, turning onto jelly. "Awie cat got your tounge?" Patrick asks Henry who was at this point glaring at him. Sure Pactrick was beaten up but he didnt mind the pain. He didnt mind being hit and didnt mind hurting others. Pactrick especially loves to toy with Henry, he never know what would happen next and to him Henry was the only real person other than himself. Pactrick grin quickly fades as Henry kicked him between the legs. Pactrick falls to the ground holding his dick as Henry stands above him. Glaring daggers at the tall boy. "Never do that fucking again." Henry says before leaving Pactrick. Henry was pisses off and Pactrick was laughing his head off as he slowly got up, he did not expect being kicked.

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