bonus (smut-)

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Henry and Patrick have been dating for a year now so it was summer again. Belch and victor finally got together. Henry was laying between Patricks long ass legs on Patricks bed. Patricks long ass arms around henrys chest.

For the past few months Henry has been living with Patrick and his family. He was already deeply annoyed by Patricks sweet parents. They didnt know about them yet. "Kitten?" Patrick says as his hands slide down to Henry's croach. "Patty no" Henry says, about to move Patricks hands before taking in a sharp hazed breath has Patrick rubs his hand over henrys croach. "Y-your mums downstairs" Harry says as he covers his mouth, Patrick smirks at Henry, he found it so easy to top him. "And? I locked the door" Patrick said as he applies more pressure to Henrys croach. Henrys breath hazed more. Patrick smirks at Henry as he shifts around trying to get him go stop. As Henry shifts he only makes it worse as 1 hes rubbing on Patricks croach and 2 Patrick is applying more pressure. Patrick and Henry where both now hard and horny. Henry was slightly pissed too. Henrys anger was quickly whipped away as Patrick bites his ear. Henry completely froze, "p-pat?" Henry stuttered out as Patrick bites down a little harder. "P-pat-" "yes kitten?" "Fuck me-" Henry says, he was completely lost in lust and his hornyess.

Patrick smirks, "gladly kitten" he says as he somehow got on top of Henry. Patrick cresses Henrys cheek before roughly kissing him. Henry of course kissed back, their mouth open and Patrick slips his tongue into Henry's mouth. Exploring everywhere he could, tasting Henry. The 2 quickly undress before going back to there kiss. Patrick breaks the kiss, "i need to prep you kitten or it will hurt" The taller boy says, sure he liked to cause pain but he didn't want to hurt Henry. "Pains pain so what just fuck me!" Henry says eger. Patrick cresses Henrys cheek soothingly before lightly kissing the smaller males neck. Patrick stops getting am idea. "Kitten can we try something?" Patrick asks agents Henrys skin, knowing full well when Henry was in this state he would agree to most things if not everything. Henry nods just wanting to fuck at this point and Patrick is taking his sweet time about it. Patrick got off the bed before going to his drawers. Patrick walks back over to Henry with a tie in his hands. Henry takes one look at the tie before putting his hands together and held them out. "Good kitten" Patrick purs as he ties Henry's wrists together with the tie.  Once Henry's hands where tied together he lays his hands above his head. Henry bites his lip as he stears up at Patrick hungrily. Patrick loved when Henry was submissive, he didnt mind when Henry was more dominant too but he much preferred a submissive Henry. He knew all the tricks to get Henry to submit to him.

Patrick goes back to bitting and sucking on Henrys neck. "Still dont want prep kitten?" Patrick asks, Henry pulls on his restants. "Patty stop stalling" Henry says as he stares into the others eyes. Henrys head goes back into the bed as he feels Patrick enter him. Patrick lets out a few deep breaths as he waits for Henry to adjust. Henry breaths where shaky as he pulls on the tie that restraints his hands. Tears prick at Henrys eyes from the pain he felt. He didnt mind it. "F-fuck" henry breaths out as he trys to move his hands again. Patrick cressed Henry's cheek, "your still tied up kitten~" he purs into henrys ear before biting on the top of henrys ear. "M-move" Henry says, he felt hot all over. Patrick grins and starts to move out before slamming back in with a grunt. Henry moans out everything Patrick thrusted back in. Patrick only got rougher with his thrust.

"F-fuck!" Henry scremed out as Patrick hit a serten spot. Patrick grins before aiming for that spot that drives Henry crazy. Henry was durling slightly and his eyes rolled back. Patrick loved the face henry made when he was fucked out. The only thing that annoyed Patrick was that Henry could last longer then he could. Patrick bites down on Henrys shoulder enough to draw blood. Patrick licks the blood away before he felt himself getting close and quickly. "P-patty i-im cl-close" Henry stuttered out. This made Patrick grin more that he could possibly out last henry.

Patrick bites down harder as he felt Henry tighten around him as he came. Patrick keeps going till he came inside Henry but kept going as to ride out his high. Patrick pulls out and gets the 2 cleaned up. "Patty can, can you untie me?" Henry asks through pants as he pulls on the tie. Patrick chuckles as he lays on his side by henry, "na~" he says as he draws different shapes into henrys chest.

Patrick looks to the door as someone knocks. "Can you boys keep it down next time?" His mother calls through. "Oh my god" henry says very embarrassed now wanting to cover his face. "Cant promise anything mum!" Patrick chuckles

Ahhh this took me days to right???? But uh- here- bonus smut! Oh i have one shots open where yous can request things including henpat smut or fluff so check that out? Idk- hope you enjoyed-

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