fuck you. (bonus 2 with smut)

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Pfft i was informed by loser_me12345678910 that bitting can cause infections so here we are- also smut-

Henry was sat at the hospital a week after him and Patrick had fucked because his shoulder was buring. He was told it was infected. "How did this bite acure?" The doctor asks him as they inspect the bite. 'How the fuck do I tell them my boyfriend bite me while he fucked me????' Henry thinks. "I have no fucking clue." Henry replied. He was given something to deal with the infection and a shot just to be sure.

Once henry got back to Patricks he hits Patrick on the head rather harshly. "That fucking bite you gave me was infected!" Henry yelled. "You liked it" Patrick says as if it was to justify his actions. "Fuck you." Henry spat as he sat down in the living room. Patrick kinda felt bad for pissing off his boyfriend. So he was gonna make it up to him but problem was Henry wasnt one for romance. Then again neither was Patrick.

Patrick came into the room and sat on the floor, on bis knees, in front of Henry. Henry had one arm resting on the arm rest with his hand keeping up his head. "What." "I want to apologise" Patrick says as he rests his hands on Henrys thighs. Henry rolls his eyes as he focus's back on the tv. Patrick pouts because Henry wasnt paying attention to him. Patrick bites his lip and just gets on with what he was going to do to apologise for pissing Henry off. He undoes henrys jeans, Henry just ignored him. Patrick licks his lips as he takes henrys unhard dick out. Patrick starts to lick up the shaft, grining when Henrys breaths become sharper and his dick hardens slowly. Patrick then, in one go, managed to get all of henry into his mouth. Henry was now fully hard so he was bigger then when Patrick started. Patrick had to admit henry was bigger but he much preferred to dominant the other. Henrys head went back, he kept his hands away and just let Patrick do what he pleased. Patrick started to bob his head up and down, soaking in all of henrys moans and sharp breaths. After a bit of head bobing, licking and sucking henry came with no warning. Patrick wasnt mad as he deserved it. Patrick sallows before licking Henry clean. "Am I forgiven?" Patrick asks as he rests his head on henrys thigh. "Yes" henry says as he messes Patricks hair. Patrick smiles as he puts henrys dick away and redoes his jeans up before laying on the couch with his head on henrys lap. They both focus back on the TV as henry plays with Patricks grassy hair.

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