water fun

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So the boys may be out of character here but who actually knows that they do when alone?

It was hot out and the boys agreed to meet ay the quarry, Victor, belch, henry and pactrick for a water fight. Henry was excited as its been a while since the boys have had a water fight.  When Henry and pactrick got to the quarry Victor and belch where already topless and throwing water balloons and squirting each other with water guns. Henry grins as they havnt noticed him and pactrick yet, Henry picked up a pre filled water gun before shooting water at Victor who was closest. "Hey loser!" Henry helled as pactrick stoud by him having take his top off to match the others. "Finally you guys are here!" Belch says. Soon all the boys where topless, throwing water balloons and shotting each other with water as they spashed around in the water at the quarry. They where all having a blast and it felt good for the boys to be hit with cold water on a hot day. As they played pactrick held henry still as victor gets him back from when they arrived. They where all laughing, not really caring about anything just being young, stupid carefree boys with happy homes to go home to but no ones homes where exactly a happy place to be. Soon the boys stopped to eat something, Victor had brought sandwiches, belch brought drinks and Henry and pactrick brought sweets. They all sat down eating, pactrick has his arm around henrys shoulders. "You 2 are pretty close" Victor says as he finished his sandwich. Henry and pactrick look at each other, pactrick shrugs. Henry then looked back at belch and Victor "no shit we are dating" henry says with a grin as he watches his closest friend, Victor, squeal in excitement. "So yous gay Henry?" Belch then asks, "na Bi like you" henry answered as pactrick kissed him on the cheek. Belch congratulations them on finaly getting together and Victor starts to plan date nights for them. "What about you 2?" Pactrick then asks, henry nods agreeing. Henry known Victor liked belch and pactrick known that belch liked Victor but both boys where too afraid to admit it. The 2 single boys look at each other for a second before looking back at the couple and saying at the same time "we are just friends" pactrick was a little weirded out how they said the same thing at the same time but shrugs it off before he kissed henry who kissed back. They break the kiss as all the boys hear barking. They look at each other then look around before Victor spots a golden retriever running their way barking and draging a chain from around its neck. The dog slowlys down seeing the boys unsure if they should trust them. Henry moves away from pactrick to get closer to the dog who backs away. Soon both Henry and Victor where on their knees holding their hands out and letting the golden fluff ball to smell their hands. "Henrys fucking adore" pactrick says as he watched as the dog licked henrys face. "So is Victor" belch says with a smile. The dog licks henrys face as he and Victor pet them. Soon Victor and henry where running around with the dog carrying on their water fight. They had removed the chain around its neck before they started to play.

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