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Henry woke up, he held his hand to his head as he sat up slowly. He looks around and noticed he was in Patrick's room? He was confused as he didnt remember going to pactrick for help. Pactrick then came in with a tray of food, just toast and a class of water. "Hey sleepy head" pactrick says as he sets the tray aside before sitting by Henry, gently rubing the smaller males back. "What- what happened?" Henry asks as he held his head. "Well I bumped into eddie and I was gonna pick on him till be told me you said youd leave him he if he helped you. I got worried as asked where you where, he pointed in your direction and when I got to you you passed out" Pactrick explained. "What happened?" Pactrick then asks. Henry hasnt told anyone about his dads abuse, not even Victor knows. "Got into a fight" henry says, "bullshit." Pactrick calls. "Why would I tell you? Your not my boyfriend." Henry growls. "Want me to be?" Pactrick asks and hanry didnt even hesitate with his answer "yes." Pactrick was taken back by this, he didnt think henry would actually want to date. Henry dosnt look at pactrick, he knows what he said and hes not taking it back. "You really mean that?" Pactrick asks and henry just nods. "Well um henry want to be my boyfriend?" Pactrick asks, henry rolls his eyes "now it feels your only asking so I'll tell you what happened." Henry growls. "Well I wont ask about it. But do you want to be?" Pactrick says moving his hand to Henry's thigh. "Yes." Henry says, "so we are official then?" Pactrick says leaning in, "yea yea dosnt mean we will have sex and give consent blowjobs." Henry says before kissing the taller boy who gladly kisses back.

After a while of kissing they break off as pactrick had placed hand on henrys sides making the smaller boy hiss in pain. "H-henry? You ok?" Pactrick asks moving his hand. "Im fine.." Henry says, "bullshit" pactrick says as he starts to take henrys top off. Henry trys to keep his top on but fails. Pactrick sat their looking at all of henrys new bruises. "Who- who did this?" Pactrick asks, his hands ball into firsts. "Dad" henry muttered and pactrick pulls him in for a hug "your stay here. Im not letting you go back to that house." Pactrick growls, Henry griped onto the back of pactricks top.

Uhhhhh well this ones short- wasnt sure what else to do but i may have a plan- there is literally no plot to this-

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