Chapter 5 - The Game

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I catch up to Clem and this time I open the door for her.

Clem notices and smiles.

Clem: Wow, you remembered this time.

She hobbles through the door while I keep it open. I then go through and walk beside her.

You: Course I did. I'm not that much of an idiot.

She does a cute little giggle.

Clem: Yea, whatever you say.

She says as she shakes her head.

We make it to the picnic table with Ruby and Aasim already sitting at the table. The rest of the group is at the other picnic table.

You: Lemme help you sit down.

I say as I hold my hand out.

Clem laughs a bit.

Clem: It's okay, Y/N. I can sit down.

She leans her crutches against the seat of the picnic table. She sits down and swings her legs under the table and looks at me.

Clem: See? Told you.

She says with a smirk.

You: Well aren't you a badass?

I say smirking back.

Clem: Shut up.

She says as she playfully shoves me.

I sit down next to Clem and Louis comes up and serves something hot and steamy in a bowl. I'm curious as to what it is.

You: So..what is this?

Louis: Omar's fine rabbit stew. *mwah*

He says with a french accent, he kisses his hand at the end.

I...of course..cringe at this.

I look at Clem and lean over to her.

You: Is Louis always like this?

She laughs and Louis puts a hand over his heart and shakes his head like he's offended.

I chuckle and shake my head. I start to eat my food.

4 Minutes Later.

You: Alright, I think I'm done.

Louis looks up, surprised.

Louis: Jesus, you were hungry, weren't you?

You: Well..yea of course..I'm kinda used to eating dead skunks in the road.

Louis: Dead skunks?! oh-oh my god..

He covers his mouth like he's gonna hurl.

Ruby and Aasim gag and make disgusted noises.

You: What? It's survival.

Louis: God, that is...nevermind.

He says as he leans forward and grabs the bowls.

Louis stacks them up and moves them to the corner of the table.

I nudge Clem.

You: You don't seem phased about me eating a skunk.

Clem shakes her head.

Clem: Not really, well I mean, I did eat a person's leg before..

You: Holy shit, really?

Clem: Ummm, I'm kidding..

She says with a nervous laugh.

You: Uh huh..sure.

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