Chapter 1 - The Boy

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It's your fault, Y/N, your fault!

Those words haunted me, gave me nightmares throughout my life.

I can't find any fucking sleep in these woods with that bullshit in my mind...I loved every goddamn kid should have.

I'm staring at the fire, waiting for that damn sun to come up. I'm in the middle of these shitty forests trying to forget and not forget everything about them, I mean, how does a kid just...forget that their parents died like that?'re getting depressed again...think of something else..

What about the day? What date is it? Shit how old am I now? 16? 17? Fuck it, I could care less.

I start to think about my blueprints, the blueprints I keep in my journal. I get my bag out and pull the journal out.

There it is...the Electric Knife blueprint...god what do i need again?

That's right..two capacitors, two diodes, and a battery..fuck where do I find that?

I pull out my knife to inspect it and see if I could actually fit that shit onto the small weapon. It's possible, if I got the right damn circuit for it.

I'll think about this tommorow....I'm calmer now but I'm still scared..

Every second I'm scared..

A Few Hours Later

I wake up to see the charcoal from the fire

I look up and see the sun is nearly in the middle of the sky

You: Fuck..I slept too long.
I mumble

I quickly pack my journal that I left out and make my way out to try to either hunt or salvage anything.

45 Minutes Later

While I was walking through the woods I found a road and I've been walking down it ever sense.

It's been roughly 45 minutes since then and I finally found something.

You: Yes!
I whisper

I run over to a dead walker on the side of the road. It has a bag on him.

You: Looks like a survivor.
I mumble

I get my hair tie and tie my hair up so it is out of my face. Because god knows if I'm actually gonna find some damn scissors to cut my hair in this hell-hole we call "Earth".

While I was looting his corpse, I found a gun that seemed to be jammed

I disassemble it and take the barrel out...clean..saves me time...wonder if it'll fit in my gun.

I pull out my pistol, the Grand Power K100 from which I knew by reading the worn out label on the side, and started to disassemble it and take the barrel out. I then got the other barrel and put it into my gun.

I looted the body further to only find 3 bottles of water, and a spare switchblade.

I put the switchblade in my ankle height combat boots and the bottles of water into my worn out travel pack

I thew the pack over my shoulder to then hear a rip from the tape around my shoulder of my leather jacket that I love, it saved my ass from walker bites. I don't want to be bitten by one of those things...again..

I fixed the tape up and I then continued down the road.

23 Minutes Later

I was walking down the long and ruined road when I looked up to see some sort of...building?

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