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(7 am - Rajvansh Sadan, Rajkot)

Mishti rushed to the bedroom beside her and abir's bedroom. She opened the doors and stumbled upon a huge teddy bear.. she rolled her eyes and bent down to pick it up.. "MISHAA.. wake up now! How many times have I told you to collect all you toys and keep them at their right spots before you go to bed"
Mishti picks up the teddy bear and goes to keep it near the doll house. She takes a look at the room and notices how one side of the room looks all neat and tidy whereas the other side looks like it had been attacked by monsters.
.."See Mihir has arranged all his toys so well" ..and then she goes near the bed to wake up her two little angels.  She takes a brief second to just stand there and observe them with a smile on her face and glitters in her eyes. Misha and Mihir, MishBir's twins changed their life when they entered into the world 4 years ago. Mishti and Abir both had a difficult childhood whose memories they didn't cherish like other people. Their childhood was different, it was painful, they were lonely. They've been lonely throughout before they found each other. Since then they've found love and peace in each other's arms. But like always they had to fight with the world at each step of their journey from friends to lovers to finally getting married- to stay with each other. Even their married life was full of hurdles because their family never let them live at peace.. but all that was before Misha and Mihir came into their life. After them everything just magically changed, it's like they were finally complete .. they decided not to prioritize anyone above their little heaven of 4. Misha and Mihir were MishBir's miracles.

Small misha in her pink nightsuit, tiny hands kept on face in order to avoid to sunlight was sleeping peacefully. Ofcourse her favorite color was pink , after all it's her dad's favorite color as well. How can daddy's brat not like what her father likes.

Beside her little tiny mihir was sleeping, not so peacefully because misha's left leg was on his stomach. Mishti smiled to herself and removed misha's leg from his stomach carefully. The little frown on his forehead then dissapeared slowly. Everytime he was uncomfortable or unhappy,  a frown appeared on his forehead just like Abir's. Though mihir had features similar to abir , but he was not as goofy as Abir. He was the more organized and obedient one of him and Misha. People would call him as Mishti's shadow. Yes he was alot like her. "Mumma ki poonch" that's what abir called him.

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