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After the rush of the entire day, Mishti was trying to make the kids sleep. She was caressing misha's head who was laying beside her on the bed. Mihir on the other hand was sitting on the centre on the bed and using Abir's palm as a canvas, claiming to make a baby unicorn.

Misha who was still awake said "Mumma can I ask you something?" And looked at mishti who noded her head in a yes.

"Yesterday you told us how everyone celebrated diwali when lord rama returned back to home right?.."  She said.

"Yes" mishti said, curious about what going on in her kid's head.

"And there he forgave all those who did wrong to him.."  Misha said.

Abir who had his eyes shut while waiting paitently for Mihir to get done with his drawing on listening to this opened his eyes.

"So can baba forgive dadi and we can all hang out together?" She continued.

Mishti and Abir looked at each other in shock.

"Misha.. who told you that dadi wronged me?" Abir asked politely but concerned, to his daughter.

"I just know." She said looking at her baba.

Misha and Mihir were just 4. Very small in age to understand the concept of wrongdoings or rightdoing but they understood expressions, they understood that their baba was indifferent when he was around dadi. He always had the same face around her that he had when he got upset with them or scolds them when they do something wrong. They knew that their baba did not speak to dadi. They just knew that dadi was always missing from the family gatherings like the one they had in the morning when the whole family was present in their room except her.

A disturbed Abir suddenly got quite lost in his thoughts about how their kids are growing up and they started to notice what was going around in the house.

"Mishti junior.. you also have to say something?" He asked to Mihir.

Mihir who was still busy painting with a sketchpen on his father's palm with full focus didn't lift his head up and just said"I like dadi." while still focusing on his drawing.

Abir looked at Mishti who was constantly looking at him with concerned eyes.

In these 5 years Mishti did try to convince Abir to forgive Minakshi. Though she herself couldn't fully forgive her for what she did to her and to Abir but she never wanted Abir to stay distant from his mother. That guy was already betrayed by his own father to whom he loved unconditionally, she didn't want him to lose his mother as well.

Mishti got up from the bed and asked Misha and Mihir to go with her so that she can tuck them to bed, they had school the next day and mishti was not going to let them stay up late and repeat the same 'missing the school bus' cycle again the next day. They both wished their baba goodnight and got kissed by him on their foreheads and then went with Mishti.

Abir meanwhile was still stuck in his thoughts when Mishti returned back to their room. He brushed off the thought and looked at his palm and a big smile stuck up on his face. His palm was all pink with a baby unicorn made by his tiny son. He pointed his palm towards mishti to show her the unicorn which looked more like a little cat with spiraling horns.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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