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Mishti bent down and planted a kiss on both their soft pink cheeks one by one. Feeling her touch , Mihir immediately woke up and smiled .. this was a everyday thing .. he would wait to be kissed by his mumma to decide if it's morning and then immediately wake up and stand up on his bed and hug mishti tightly. "Good Morning Mumma" he said. Mishti then took him in her arms off the bed and then kissed him again on both his cheeks. "Good morning baccha" she said. Misha was still in the same position, sleeping. It was an everyday thing too. She wouldn't wake up in the first try like the obedient little Mihir and more efforts had to be made in order to make her wake up early mornings.

Mishti while holding mihir in her arms said " Mishu I am going to make your brother brush his teeth and get ready for breakfast.. you have school(kindergarten) today.. get up before I get him ready, you have 5 mins, you're next." She caressed misha's hair and after saying this mishti walked off to the bathroom with mihir in her arms.

As soon as her mom and brother were out of sight, misha unwillingly opened her eyes somehow and then while rubbing her sleepy little eyes walked off the room.

Abir had worked until late night at the NGO. Managing the business and NGO together was not an easy task to do. But when you have a hardworking and dedicated guy like abir it becomes possible somehow. Specially with mishti by his side supporting him fully and working equally hard in the NGO with him.

Tired Abir was still sleeping. Suddenly the door of his room opened and little Misha entered the room still rubbing her eyes. She loved her father unconditionally and seeing his face in the morning as soon as they wake up was her favorite thing to do. Watching abir sleep she climbed up on the bed and placed herself on the top his stomach with her back in the air ,holding him tightly , her head on his chest and slept. To this abir woke up knowing it was his brat. He opened his eyes from his deep sleep slowly and a smile appeared on his lips watching her sleep like that. He kissed her on the head and caressed her hair. "Good morning to you too Misha Rajvansh" he said and took misha in his arms and made her sit on the bed in process of getting up himself and then made her sit back on his lap from the bed once his sat on the bed comfortably. Misha who was no longer sleepy now smiled "Good morning baba".

That's the thing about daughters. No Matter how tired or upset the father is but just one look at the smiling face of their daughter makes all the stress dissapear. Same was the case with abir, all his stress and tiredness vanished as soon as he saw his little princess.

"Why didn't you come to wish me goodnight yesterday baba?" Asked disappointed misha.

"But I did wish you good night. When I came home you both were asleep so mumma and I kissed you both and wished you goodnight and went to sleep." Answered abir explaining the disappointed misha in the same childish tone.

"I wanted to wait for you but mumma said you had work and we can't skip our sleeping time..." misha started to say

"..And also that you both had to wake up early anyhow for school. " Abir compled her sentence himself and they both began to laugh.

That's how it has always been. Mishti has been a strict parent to their kids , after all there's no other way to imagine Angry Chorni the great as a mother. And Abir.. he is the lenient one , the more friendly one who saves both Misha and Mihir from the rules and scoldings of their mother but ends up getting scolded more than both of them himself by mishti - truely Ajeeb Rajvansh. But then that's how it is. That's how they both decided to keep it. That's how they've kept a balance in parenting their kids. Afterall MishBir together are the greatest team. Be it as a couple or as parents.

This father-daughter duo were having  cranky morning talks on how they hate waking up early in the morning when Mishti entered the room along with little mihir who had brushed his teeth and was proudly standing alongside his mother holding her one finger with his little hand and had a angrybird stuffed toy in his other hand. He knew that his mumma is now going to take good class of both his baba and sister for waking up late again.

[[ Thankyou guys for the amazing response on the first chapter. According to your feedbacks I tried to improve the length of the chapter and make it a bit longer.
Hope I didn't disappoint you.
Feedbacks are most welcome.❤ ]]

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