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That night Mishti and Abir recited the story about Lord Rama to their kids who said they were as excited for their Birthday as excited they get for diwali but then later got curious to know why they celebrated diwali every year.

After tucking them to their bed, Mishti returned back to her room to find abir painting on a canvas. It was a every year ritual that Abir had started when the kids turned one and since then he continued this on their each Birthday. He painted a picture of their kids on the canvas every year on their Birthdays. MishBir had planned to gift all the 18 canvas painted by abir to the kids when they turn Eighteen.

"Mishti..they are growing really fast.. at an unusual speed." Abir said with a frown to Mishti while painting.

"It's just your attachment and love for them speaking Abir. They're growing with just as normal speed as the other kids". Said Mishti smiling to her complaining husband, putting her palm on his cheek to comfort him.

If Abir Rajvansh was a sensitive lover/husband, then he was even more sensitive as a father. A very protective one as well. He didn't want his kids to grow up faster, he wanted to carry his tiny kids up in his arms forever.

Mishti was well aware of his husband's weaknesses, how sensitive he gets when it comes to the kids. This soft nature of his was one of  the reasons that she still fell in love with her man a little more ,every day.

They spent the entire night chatting while abir painted the picture of their kids on the canvas, taking coffee breaks in between.

Next morning a sleepy Misha and Mihir woke up to a loud noice of "Happy Birthday" sung in chorus. They opened their eyes in shock to see the entire family surrounding their bed in a circle, looking at them with excited , glittering eyes. At first they couldn't understand what was wrong with them and went to hug their mumma and baba who were standing together right beside them near the bed. After being comforted by Mishti and Abir and being reminded that it was their 4th birthday, they went on and took wishes and lots of kisses from everyone- their ketu bua, kunal chachu, atul chachu, bade dadu,nidhi dadi, kuhu masi, parul dadi, koslu dadu. The only one who was missing  there was their dadi.

Mishti and Abir later decided to take kids to the temple to thank god for blessing them with the two little miracles of their lives. While they were approaching the main gate, they bumped into minakshi who had returned from the temple. As soon as Misha and Mihir saw their dadi they ran to hug her and then touched her feet after Mishti asked them to. Minakshi kissed them both on their cheeks and forehead and blessed them after wishing them for their Birthday.
Abir meanwhile excused himself and went to start the car. Mishti though stood there.

Minakshi Rajvansh was no longer the lady she was 5 years ago. She did realise her wrongdoings but it was too late. Abir had given her numerous chances only to get hurt each time. He wasn't willing to risk it any further. Minakshi was well aware of that. She knew she'll have to wait a lot longer for her son's forgiveness, for her daughter in law to accept her and forgive her. But she was thankful to them that they did not deprive her of spending time with her grand kids and showering all her love on them. Misha and Mihir spent most of their time with Minakshi when Abir and Mishti were in office. She loved them immensely and so did they. Minakshi stopped going to office or playing sitar, she spent most of her time worshipping, asking god for forgiveness or spending it with her grandkids. Her guilt though made it look like she started growing old faster.

Mishti too touched her feet before taking the kids back to the car. She blessed her but she knew that somewhere in her heart Mishti didn't believe her blessings to be genuine.

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