Literal Fuckery

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Emiya: I know I've been to so many places but... Where the fuck am I?!

???: Welcome Traveler, To Lotus! Where everyones dream has a possibility to com true!

I found myself standing in front of a massive Shrine Gate, being greeted by what looks to be a Red Oni.

Aya: Greetings Traveler, my name is Aya Oni. I am sure you'll be needing guidance in traversing through our land.

I mean... True, but. I still don't know where am I.

She then raised a brow and tilted her head to the side a bit, as if confused to why I'm so silent.

Emiya: Sorry... But I think I can do that myself.

Aya:As you wish. Just remember to knock before entering any establishments in the local area.

She then moved away... What in the actual name of Alaya is happening here?! The last thing I remember was finishing another massacre.

I took a step and felt something in my pocket, I checked it and it was a letter... From Zelretch.


             I am sure you are well aware of your surroundings area that this is not you reality marble... And don't give me that stink eye, I'm already getting to the point.

Well, at least he knows I'm pissed.

The truth is..... I'm bored. So I decided to drop you in to a new world I just discovered! Hopefully you arrived without any hassle in the Town of Lotus... My first plan was to put you in a massive desert but decided against the idea, so you're welcome! Anywho. Just think of this as your well deserved vacation!


I crumpled the paper and threw it on a blazing fire next to the Shrine Gate.

Tch. I guess I'm stuck to being his clown for a long time. Unless, Alaya brings me back.... Unless.

I decided to let my projection do the work by projecting a mundane shiv, to see how strong the influence of Gaea in this place, after all. My nose got assaulted by the scent of pure Mana in the air.

Traveling around wasn't too eventful... Unless you're talking about the literal painted signs that screams "Succubus Haven" or "Dreamscape" complete with the erotically dressed women... Or whatever they are... After all it's weird to see literal fish women walking on webbed feet around and Snake women.

??? Psst! Hey you! You don't look like your from around here.

I noticed a man calling me, he doesn't look too shady and he's running a simple shop... But then again, to find out more of this place. I need to interact with the folks here.

???: Dark skin, white hair... Are you from the Deserts of Al'khan?

I raised a brow. But played along with it.

Erick: Names Erick, local Adventurer and shop owner. You look like it's your first time in a Mamono filled town, so I decided to help you a bit.

I nodded.

Emiya: thank you, though I don't know what these... Mamono are.

Erick: I see, so you're either very sheltered or your family hates Mamono.

Emiya: Former.

He looked visibly happy after I said that.

Erick: heh, to be honest I thought you were the latter. And I hate to say it but as you can guess, those Families absolutely Hates the Mamono.

Emiya: any reason why? They don't look that harmful.

He chuckled.

Erick: some are sure, but most are just looking for a husband or just want to live their lives their own ways.

Emiya: I see.

Erick: but anyways, you can find more information about the History of Ainstan and The Mamono at that building right there.

He pointed at a rather simple yet fancy looking building a few blocks away from us.

Erick: it also doubles as a Guild, so if you want to be registered as an Adventurer, you can register there to earn a stable living.

Emiya: I see... I'll be staying here for quite awhile so why not find work to do.

Erick smiled and gave me a happy thumbs up.

Erick: that's a good mindset of like to hear! Anywho, just be respectful for specific Mamono... They are quite scary if angry. Also, why did you leave Al'khan anyway?

Emiya: it's literally sand everywhere.

He chuckled.

Erick: yeah... I guess it's quite boring there... And don't forget about the heat.

We then heard something crashing inside his shop.

I glanced at Erick who look like this happens way too much.

Erick: haha... Sorry about that, my wife is kinda clumsy sometimes.

I raised a brow and out came his wife... At first I thought she would be human but... It turns out his wife was a Moth Woman.

???: Darling! I broke the vase... Again...

His wife whined and looked like she's about to cry, that until Erick comforted her.

Erick: Ana... It's fine, we can always buy another one.

His wife Ana, continued to whine.

Ana: but! What about our future! We can't just continue buying Vases averytime I broke one!

Erick: now now, I have a customer so please don't go crying on me now. Let's just talk about it later.

His wife finally noticed me and began to blush in embarrassment.

Ana: ehehe... Sorry... I'll just wait for you Darling.

Erick then gave her a kiss on the lips before she went inside to clean the broken vase.

Erick: haha... Sorry about that, she's very clumsy at times.

I waved it off.

Emiya: it's fine, just don't buy anymore breakable hazards...

He chuckled.

Erick: yeah... You're right, anyway. I hope my information was helpful for you in anyway.

I forced a smile.

Emiya: don't worry, I'm sure I can put it to good use.

He laughed and waved me goodbye, to which I returned the gesture.

Emiya: so... I guess I should try to be an adventurer, so that at least I have a sustainable way to fund myself.

And with that, I walked to the Guild/Library to get myself registered as one... Hopefully things won't escalate here.

Ok so... I decided to write a test fic, cause I've read some MGE x Fate stories before and most of them doesn't have an ending or is basically an unfinished chapter... Cause some of them are half a chapter... Seriously... I can't find the Author notes... Anywho, care to give me your personal opinion about this? SOUL out!

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