Ch. 11

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*Austin's POV*
*next day*

I sat in my back lounge by myself. I was still in disbelief. Elena was pregnant with my child. All because of one drunken night, my life was gonna change.

I sighed and thought about what I was gonna do. I was gonna support her. Maybe I would move her in.

"Fuck!" I yelled to myself. I didn't know anything about this girl. I didn't know where she lived or if she was even gonna be a good mom. What if she was a drug addict or an alcoholic? What she did actually have a boyfriend?

My heart raced and I couldn't think straight. This was so bad. This was so unbelievably bad.

I stood up and walked through the bus, ignoring everyone that spoke to me. I had to go talk to Elena. Just see her.

I wandered around the venue, trying to avoid everyone. When I spotted Elena my stomach filled with butterflies. I groaned and rolled my eyes. "I'm such a sap." i said to myself.

She stood with Zane by the food truck. She drank a bottle of Gatorade and said something to Zane, giving him a dirty look. I walked up and Zane walked away. She forced a smile, but I knew it as fake. Her eyes were filled with fear.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Okay, I guess. I've thrown up a few times today."

I nodded. "Is there anything I can do?"

"No." she said. She took another drink of her Gatorade and then threw it away. "How are you?"

"Scared." I said.

She looked at me and nodded. "Me too."

I motioned for her to walk with me. "So, I was just thinking about something."

She walked along side me. "Yeah?"

"If this is all really happening, I will completely one hundred percent support you." I said.

She looked ahead of us."Austin, you really don't have to be apart of this. You have a life and friends and a million girls who want you. I can do this on my own. I don't want to ruin your life."

I stopped and made her look at me."Elena. This is my baby too. I want to be there. I'm not gonna make you do this yourself."

Her eyes searched mine and filled with tears. Then she looked away from me. "You have fans coming." she mumbled. She stepped aside.

I turned and seen a large group of teenagers walking towards us. They all smiled and all talked to me at once. I put on a fake smile and took pictures and talked to them.

One girl, a blonde with huge blue eyes smiled and pointed at Elena. "Is that your girlfriend?"

I looked at Elena. She stood away from us. Her arms crossed in front of her chest. I shook my head. "No. She's just a really good friend."

The girl laughed and winked. "Okay."

After a few more minutes they all left. I went over to Elena and cupped her face. "Please don't be sad. This is gonna be okay. We're gonna get through this together."

She nodded and wiped her eyes. "I hope so."

I smiled and wrapped my arms her. "Now, where's what sexy, confident girl I met before?"

She smiled and shook her head. "She'll be back soon. Just need to wrap my head around this whole thing."

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