Ch. 25

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*Elena's POV*
*2 months later*

Danielle smiled all the time. She was 10 months old and just the happiest baby you've ever seen. She looked just like Austin and it made me miss him even more. He had been on tour for 2 months. He left a few days after we had sex. I missed him everyday. But today Danielle was going with my mom for the weekend so I could see Austin while he was in town.

Danielle sat in her high chair and tapped her spoon on the tray. She smiled and smacked her lips together, making popping sounds.

"Are you excited to see Nana today?" I said, smiling and standing up.

She giggled and slammed her fists down on her tray. Her dark brown hair looked darker against the pink bow I put in her hair.

I smiled bigger. "It's gonna be hard to leave you, Dani. I haven't been apart from you since you born." I said, picking her up.

The front door opened and I heard my mom. "El?"

Danielle squirmed out of my arms and ran to her. I followed her and smiled. Mom picked her up and hugged her.

"Hi, Mom." I said.

She smiled at me. "Hey, sweetie." She looked at Dani. "You get to come spend the weekend with Nana."

Dani giggled and Mom looked up at me. "How does it feel? Parting with her for the first time?"

I picked up Danielle's favorite little stuffed piggy and clutched it to my chest. "I kinda wanna throw up."

Mom chuckled. "You'll be okay."

I pouted. "3 days is a long time to be away from my baby."

"You've been away from Austin for 2 months, sweetie. That's a long time for a relationship. You need to see him." She nodded. "Dani will be at my house when you get back, safe and sound."

I sighed. "Okay. I better go now, before I change my mind." I reached for Danielle. She reached back and I took her, hugging her and kissing her face. "I love you so much, Dani."

She puckered her lips and gave me a sloppy kiss. "Bye bye." She said.

I smiled. "Bye bye." Tears filled my eyes. I handed her back to my mom. "Okay, mama. Thank you for watching her." I kissed Mom's cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby girl. Have fun." She said.

I picked up my bag and kissed Danielle one more time and then walked out of the door.


After about two hours in an uncomfortable cab, I finally pulled up to the venue. I pulled my All Access Pass from my purse and grabbed my bag, paying the guy and getting out.

I looked around and spotted the area with the buses. As I walked past groups of teenagers I heard their mean remarks.


"Gold digging bitch."

"She doesn't even love him, ya know? She just got knocked up so she could get his money."


I ignored them and walked to the bus area. As I approached I saw Austin standing by his bus, talking to some guys.

I smiled. "Austin!" I shouted.

He turned and seen me, a huge smile spreading across his face. "Baby!"

I dropped my bags and ran to him, jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist. He squeezed my tight and kissed my neck and face.

"I've missed you so much!" I said, crying.

He dropped me and cupped my face, kissing me with such passion it took my breath away. When he pulled away I felt giddy and dizzy.

"Skype was not enough. God, I've missed that beautiful face." He said, wiping my tears.

I smiled and kissed him. "I'm so happy I came."

He smiled and kissed me again. The passion and want and need hitting me full force. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up, making me wrap my legs around him. His strong hands gripped my butt. His tongue explored mine and he groaned.

"Take me to your bus." I whispered in his ear, kissing his neck.

"I can't. I go on stage in 15 minutes." He said, letting go of me.

I dropped to my feet and pouted. "I thought you had this weekend free?"

He took my hands. "I do. After tonight. Then it's all about me and you, El. I promise. I'm gonna take you to a real hotel tonight, we'll eat dinner and drink some wine." He smiled, kissing my hands. "It'll be the first time we'll be completely without a baby since the night I got you pregnant."

I smiled. "Okay."

"After this show, I'm all yours." He said.

I grinned. "You're the boss."

He smiled and licked his lips, groaning. "I like the sound of that."

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