Ch. 16

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*Elena's POV*

I sat at the table with my family. My oldest brother, Dan, to my left and my parents across from us, and my brother William next to Dan at the head of the table.

"Willy, how's the studio?" Mom asked.

I looked at her. William went on about his studio and how I never paid my rent on time. I ignored him and watched my mom. Her long thick brown hair was pulled back from her face. Her green eyes, just like mine, lit up when she was around her kids. She smiled and nodded along with what William said. I smiled as she looked at my dad, smiling bigger at him, and then holding his hand, looking back at William. I looked down at my plate.

I longed for what my parents had. They had been together since they were 14 years old and still were going strong. I wanted to be loved by Austin the way my parents loved each other. Every day I fell for him more. But I knew that he would never love me.

"El?" Mom said.

I looked up. Everyone was staring at me, looking concerned. I hadn't realize I was crying.

I wiped my eyes and smiled. "Sorry, zoned out for a minute."

Dad smiled at me. "Everything okay, sweetheart?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

Mom wiped the corners of her mouth. "So what has been going on with you, baby? We haven't talked in a few weeks."

I shrugged. "Same old, same old."

"Who's that guy I seen leaving the loft a few days ago?" William asked.

I looked at him. "That's my friend, Austin. He's helping me with the job hunt."

Dan elbowed me. "Just a friend, huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes. He's just my friend." I looked at my dad. "Nothing's going on with him and I."

Dad smiled bigger. "El, I can see right through you."

I smiled. "I could never lie to you, Daddy."

Mom chuckled and looked at my brothers. "Boys-"

They cut her off. "Could you give us a minute with Elena?" They said in unison. They stood up and Dan smiled. "I feel like I've been having to leave the table so you guys could lecture Elena my whole life."

They left and Dad took a bite of his fried chicken, his eyes never leaving mine. I looked away and looked at Mom.

She smiled and shook her head. "So, when are you gonna tell us that you're pregnant?"

My face flooded with heat and my eyes widened. "You knew?"

She nodded. "A mother knows. I knew the second you walked through the front door."

I looked at Dad. He nodded. "You're whole life, you've worn the tightest clothes you could find. You always drank wine with dinner." He motioned to the glass of water in front of me. "No wine. Baggy shirt." He smiled. "Not to mention the fact that you're glowing."

I looked at Mom. "Are you angry?"

"Maybe a tiny bit disappointed. But not angry." She said.

Dad nodded. "And not so disappointed that we will look at you differently. We just don't understand what you're doing with you life."

I sighed and looked down at my plate. "Here comes the lecture." I thought to myself.

Mom held Dad's hand again. "When you were with Jimmy, you were in college and had that job at his father's office. You two broke up and you dropped out and quit your job. Started hanging out with those band members and partying a lot. Now you're pregnant and you're not even married."

"Elena, we love you, we just don't understand." Dad said.

I crossed my arms and shrugged. "I don't fully understand either. But this pregnancy is changing things." I looked at them. "I'm going to be a mother. The past is the past. I would love it if we could leave it there."

Mom smiled and nodded. "We support you."

"Is that Austin guy the father?" Dad asked.

I nodded. "Yes."

"Are you two together?"

"No." I sighed. "It was a stupid drunken night. I got pregnant. He's supporting me, but we're not dating." I shrugged. "I don't want him to date me just because I'm pregnant."

Mom looked at me and gave me a sad smile. "You love him, don't you?"

I felt my eyes fill with tears. "Yes."

She stood up and came over to my side of the table and sat in Dan's seat, taking both my hands. "If you love him, tell him."

"I can't." I said, feeling my chest getting heavy.

Dad shook his head. "Do what makes you most comfortable."

I nodded. "I wanna be with him. But I know he would never love me."

Mom shook her head. "Of course he could love you. I bet he does." She smiled. "Now come here and hug me, El. You're having a baby."

We stood up and hugged, Dad getting up and hugging me too.

"Okay, boys. I know you're eavesdropping. Come on out." Dad said.

My brothers came around the corner and smiled, hugging and congratulating me.

"How far along are you?" Dan asked.

"About 3 months." I said, pulling my shirt up to show my little belly, smiling. I looked at my dad. "I heart it's heartbeat." I looked at Mom. "It was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard."

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